Traps in Collective Sales with Option Agreements

Are you aware of the traps in collective sales and the potential problem with option agreements?

What are Option Agreements?

Option agreements are frequently used as a mechanism to facilitate collective sales of lots in a strata scheme.  Such option agreements (commonly called “Options”) provide a number of helpful mechanisms and tools to provide a degree of flexibility.

The Traps of Collective Sales Option Agreements

A recent decision of the Supreme Court of NSW has demonstrated that there can be traps for owners of strata lots who are using Options as part of a collective sale process.

The case provides helpful reminders about how options should be used in a collective sale process, and the matters to be aware of if lot owners are going to be properly protected in that process.

What Should You be Aware of?

Here we discuss option agreements and what to be aware of with strata block collective sales Traps in Strata Block Collective Sales

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

First Strata Collective Sale Approved by the Court

The Land and Environment Court has recently approved a collective sale of a strata scheme.

This is the first time the Court has approved the collective sale of a strata building since the strata renewal laws commenced on 30 November 2016.

The case highlights the importance of ensuring each step in the collective sale process is followed to the letter of the law.

The case also provides guidance on how various problems created by the strata renewal laws will be resolved by the Court including problems determining the amount of compensation that should be payable to the owners.

In this article we take an in-depth look at the case and what lessons can be learned from the Court’s decision First Strata Collective Sale Approved by Court

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Strata Reforms and Collective Sales

One of the big ticket items introduced as part of the new strata laws that commenced in November 2016 was strata renewal or collective sales. These laws allow a strata building to be sold or redeveloped with the approval of at least 75% of owners.

However, many stakeholders in the strata industry including strata managers have needed clarification and clearer guidance in regards to the strata renewal and collective sale process.

Indeed, the industry has been looking for more practical and specific guidance from regulatory bodies on the implementation of strata renewal reforms.

In late 2018 new guidelines and resources were published by the Office of the Registrar General and can be found on their website.

If you’re looking for some guidance it’s a great first step. The website includes information about:

The website also confirms that strata managers should now be making all inquiries with the Office of the Registrar General in relation to strata renewal (or collective sales) and NSW Fair Trading is no longer able to assist.

The Office of the Registrar General website outlines 6 steps for the strata renewal process as follows:

  1. Vote to opt into the process
  2. Initiate the collective sale/renewal process
  3. Form a strata renewal committee
  4. Develop a strata renewal plan
  5. Consider the plan
  6. Approval of the plan

For more information visit Office of the Registrar General or for more detailed legal advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Thank You Strata for Your Support!

Thanks strata for attending our recent forum. In the busy and hectic world of strata, we appreciate you taking the time and effort to join us.

We hope you enjoyed the forum as much as we did presenting and sharing our knowledge.

As promised, please find below copies of all presentations and papers.

If there is anything we can assist you with please do not hesitate to contact us here or one of our lawyers below.

How have the New Laws Shaped Up?

Warwick van Ede 
The Dawn of a New Era  I  Strata Renewals  and Collective Sales  Presentation and  Paper

Daniela Terruso 
How to Avoid the Pitfalls and Correct the Mistakes   By-law Reviews  Presentation and Paper

Faiyaaz Shafiq
The New Procedures and Traps for Young Players  I   Levy Recovery  Presentation and Paper

Adrian Mueller
Goodbye, Thoo  I  Novel Compensation Claims Against Owners Corporations Presentation and Paper

Adrian Mueller
How to Make You Look Good  The 5 Most Useful By-laws Presentation and Paper

Helen Amanatiadis
The New Regime   Building Bonds and Inspection Reports  Presentation and Paper

Adrian Mueller
The Good, Bad and Ugly  The New Strata Laws Presentation and Paper

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

First Collective Sale Cases Hit The Court 

Up until recently, there have been no reported cases of where the Land & Environment Court has dealt with an application to permit the collective sale or redevelopment of a strata scheme under the new strata laws.

That changed on 19 February 2018, when the Land & Environment Court issued preliminary decisions in two cases involving proposals for the collective sale of two strata schemes in Sydney.

So, what can we learn from the first two collective sale cases? To find out download this paper Collective Sales Cases Hit the Land and Environment Court.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

111 Days until a New Era for Strata! Will you be ready?

The new strata laws will commence on 30 November 2016. Will you be ready?

To help you get ready, the team at Muellers will be running training seminars across Sydney in September and November 2016.

We will explain the most important aspects of the new strata laws and tell you what you need to know to be ready come 30 November.

We will review the new laws concerning strata managers, by-laws, renovations, NCAT, building bonds, collective sales and more.

Look out for the invitations to our training seminars as places are limited and will book out quickly.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.