Owners Corporations and Discrimination Legislation

Is your owners corporation likely to be subject to claims that it is discriminating against disabled persons?

A recent decision of the Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division of NCAT has determined that an owners corporation “provides services” to owners and occupiers within a strata scheme. As a result, owners corporations are potentially subject to the provisions of the Anti Discrimination Act 1977, in relation to the way that owners corporations manage and control common property and the finances of the strata scheme.

This raises the prospect that owners corporations may face increasing burdens to manage common property with the needs of disabled persons in mind.

Potential Implications for Discrimination in Strata Schemes

Potentially, this decision widens the possibility that claims under the Anti Discrimination Act can be brought against owners corporations for issues such as:

  • providing alternatives to stairs
  • installation of lifts
  • installation of other lifting mechanisms
  • broadening of doorways to enable wheelchair access
  • providing non-slip devices
  • providing access ramps
  • accessibility of garbage facilities
  • accessibility of recreational facilities

Owners corporations would be well advised to take great care, and even to seek advice, when issues of discrimination are raised by lot owners and residents .

Read the full article here: Owners Corporation and Discrimination Legislation.

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Get Your Renovation Approvals Right!

A recent decision by NCAT has provided guidance on what needs to be done for an owners corporation to approve renovations done by an owner.

This case involved a dispute between the owners corporation of a large mixed use building in Milsons Point and the owner of a commercial lot in the building who wanted to fit-out his lot as an office involving alterations to common property.

The case produced a surprising outcome and is likely to change the practice that is followed by owners who seek owners corporation approval to renovate.

So, does a common property rights by-law authorise an owner to carry out works affecting the common property?

Here we share the case and outcomes: Get Your Renovations Approvals Right

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

An Overview of Recent Key Changes to Strata Law

There have been a number of important key changes made to strata laws over the last 6 months.

This includes changes to legislation and recent court and NCAT decisions.

In this article we provide an overview of those key changes to help you get across them and make recommendations as to what you should do get the most out of them and to ensure you comply with them.

The article covers the following strata law key changes:

  • Building Defects – duty of care
  • Removing abandoned goods and illegally parked cars – the new rules
  • Developer and common property rights by-laws
  • No pets by-laws
  • NCAT – can now award damages
  • COVID-19 – strata regulations extended
  • Short term rental accommodation – mandatory code of conduct

The full article and recommendations are available here An Overview of Recent Key Changes to Strata Law

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

ATO Provides Tax Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs

As combustible cladding is fast becoming a major focus for multi-storied buildings in New South Wales, lot owners and owners corporations are now facing a major bill and headache to replace combustible cladding.

The problem with combustible cladding has been further exacerbated by the current pandemic as a number of lot owners are unable to afford a special levy due to having lost employment. Some are even facing bankruptcy.

Despite these difficulties, some relief for combustible cladding costs has now arrived from the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

In this document we explain the recent ATO ruling to assist in rectifying combustible cladding defects… ATO Provides Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Is NCAT’s Ability to Resolve Strata Disputes Unclear?

What would you think if you were told that NCAT could not order an owners corporation to carry out repairs to common property or order a lot owner or tenant to comply with a by-law?

No doubt you would think that could not be correct.

However, recent decisions by the Appeal Panel of NCAT have cast doubt on NCAT’s power to resolve most types of strata disputes.

So where does that leave us?

Read the full article here: Is NCAT’s Ability to Resolve Strata Disputes Unclear?

For all NSW strata legal, by-law, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can “Squatter’s Rights” Exist in a Strata Scheme?

There have been two recent court cases involving “squatter’s rights” over parcels of land in Sydney.

In both of those cases, people have acquired ownership of parcels of land they did not own through adverse possession by exercising “squatter’s rights”.

Both of these cases raise interesting questions for strata schemes:

  • What are “squatter’s rights”?
  • Can “squatter’s rights” exist in a strata scheme?
  • Do the rules for “squatter’s rights” make it impossible for a person to claim ownership of part of the common property in strata scheme?
  • Do those rules make it difficult for an owners corporation to claim ownership of a lot even if it has been abandoned?

Abandoned houses, “dunny lanes”, car spaces, storerooms and more: here we explain this complex area of law and share some recent cases – Squatters Rights in Strata Schemes.

For all NSW strata legal advice inclusive of by-laws, building defect and levy recovery advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Supreme Court, NCAT and A Load of Rubbish

In a surprising decision, the Supreme Court has recently held that lot owners are able to start legal action in NCAT to force an owners corporation to grant them a licence to use common property before the owners corporation has rejected their proposal for a licence.

This decision will alter the strategy of some owners who want to obtain special rights over areas of common property and may result in the commencement of litigation to gain leverage over an owners corporation.

Ultimately this case gives NCAT a mandate to attempt to resolve strata disputes in a more flexible way.

Read the full case here Supreme Court, NCAT and A Load of Rubbish

For NSW strata legal, by-law, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

COVID-19 Impact on Remedial Works Contracts

What is the impact of COVID-19 on remedial works contracts?

Does the COVID-19 Pandemic entitle an owners corporation to cancel or delay a contract for remedial work to common property?

What if an owners corporation allows work to proceed? Could it be liable if a resident contracts the COVID-19 virus from a contractor performing that work?

In this article we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on remedial works contracts and answers to these questions:

  • Can an owners corporation cancel or delay a remedial works contract due to COVID-19?
  • Has a remedial works contract become frustrated due to COVID-19?
  • What role does a force majeure clause have to play?
  • Is an owners corporation liable if a resident contracts COVID-19 from a contractor?

Our article Remedial Works Contracts and COVID-19 Pandemic will answer these questions and more.

Owners corporations and strata managers should monitor Government announcements and, where necessary, obtain legal advice about whether or not contracts they have entered have become frustrated or are able to be cancelled or delayed due to any change in circumstances or the law.

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can NCAT Grant Compensation to Lot Owners?

Finally there has been a conclusive decision from NCAT regarding lot owner compensations.

The President and Deputy President of NCAT have recently handed down an important decision. They have concluded that NCAT does not have power to award a lot owner compensation. This is a result of a failure by an owners corporation to repair defects in the common property.

This decision around NCAT and lot owner compensations is likely to be followed by NCAT in the future and resolves a longstanding controversy about this issue.

What does this mean? Read our recent cases regarding NCAT’s decision around Lot Owner Compensations

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Who is Preparing Your By-law Consolidations?

There are many strata managers who are preparing and registering consolidated sets of by-laws for the strata schemes they manage.

We have recently come across several by-law consolidations prepared by strata managers that contain critical and costly errors.

In many cases, the professional indemnity insurance policies held by strata managers may not cover the negligent preparation of consolidated by-laws.

Here are some examples of mistakes we have seen… By-law Consolidations – When they go Wrong?


Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.