Building Bond Scheme – What You Need to Know?

Recent research conducted by the University of NSW lists the top 15 common building defects in strata blocks.

To deal with problems caused by defective building work in new strata buildings, the NSW Government introduced a building bond scheme which commenced on 1 January 2018.

The bond scheme will apply to many new strata buildings that are built this year.

So, what do strata managers need to know?

To help you navigate the new laws we’ve prepared this paper Building Defects Bond Scheme that covers everything strata managers need to know.

For NSW strata building defect advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Are the New Building Defect Laws Doomed?

Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), talks with Adrian Mueller, partner, about building defects and the new inadequate laws.

Is the new system doomed to result in more cost and litigation?

Read the full Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) article here.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Wishing You a Happy Festive Season!

JS Mueller & Co Strata Lawyers 2017 Festive Season Message

To contact us during this period please leave a message and we’ll get back to you on our return.

The 5 Biggest Impacts of the New Strata Laws

One year later… what are the 5 biggest impacts of the new strata laws?

In this interview with LookUpStrata, Adrian Mueller, partner, JS Mueller & Co addresses the top 5 new strata laws and the changes to owners corporation fines and how they’ll affect you.

Click on the video below to view Adrian’s interview with Nikki from LookUpStrata as he discusses the following:

  1. New Strata Laws in Relation to the Way in which Owners will be Able to Vote at Strata Meetings
  2. Prohibition on Proxy Farming
  3. Renovations
  4. Undesirable Habits
  5. Removing Abandoned Goods

And, body corporate fines and the 3 main changes.

The full article can be viewed at LookUpStrata.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Introducing the New Look… JS Mueller & Co

The Brand

Nothing’s changed on the inside we’re still the same firm, with the same passion to deliver strata and property legal services of the highest order.

Our exciting new look and feel has been designed to reflect the growing business we are today and into the future.

You’ll start to see our new branding reflected across our website, legal documents, stationery, promotional materials and much more.

As we continue to grow JS Mueller & Co, we want our brand to best reflect why we exist, what we believe in and most of all we hope you like it!

PS: To get the full impact scroll down to the end and let us know what you think.

The Logo

JS Mueller & Co Strata Lawyers

The Website

Our new website reflects our new brand and is clean, simple and easy to navigate with some great new features such as…

Searchable Resource Library

We’ve created a strata ‘resource library’. The latest on all the new strata laws. And the best news is, whatever you’re looking for is easily found with a simple search.

Full Mobile Optimisation         

We’re thrilled to say that our website is fully mobile optimised and will work across a whole range of devices, operating systems and browsers. So now you can access our site whenever and wherever you need to.

And much more! Check out the new website now at

Stationery and More

JS Mueller & Co Brand


At JS Mueller & Co we’re always looking for ways to improve and we’d love to hear your feedback or suggestions.

Please email and we’ll consider your feedback.

Thanks strata!

PS: For the latest strata updates connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

SMH Talks ‘Flaws in the New Strata Laws’ with Muellers

Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), Domain talks with Adrian Mueller, partner, JS Mueller & Co Strata Lawyers about gaping loopholes in the new strata laws.

Read the full Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) article here.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Confirms that it Cannot Impose Penalties

In a recent decision, NCAT has confirmed that it does not have power to impose monetary penalties on persons who breach orders made by NCAT.

This decision highlights an important flaw in the new strata legislation which needs to be fixed.

Read on to find out more – NCAT Strata Disputes Floors and By-laws.docx

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Levy Collection Top 10 Changes!

With the introduction of the new strata laws, you’ll need to be aware of the key changes to the levy collection procedure.

To familiarise yourself with the top 10 changes click here –  Levy Collection Changes Under the New Strata Laws

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Oh Dear! Registering By-laws Just Got Hard!

The procedure for registering by-laws under the new strata legislation is completely new. Land and Property Information (LPI) NSW will no longer allow by-laws to be registered unless a consolidated version of all by-laws including any new by-laws is lodged for registration.

What Has Changed?

The new strata legislation requires any change in the by-laws for a strata scheme that are lodged for registration to be in the form of a consolidated version of all of the existing by-laws that incorporates the changes to the by-laws as well. The consolidated version of the by-laws must include any relevant model by-laws.

What Does the Change Mean?

If you attempt to register a change in the by-laws without the consolidated version of the by‑laws, Land and Property Information will reject the document you lodge.

Do I Have to Comply?

There is a limited exemption to the requirement to lodge a consolidated version of the by-laws each time you need to register a change to the by-laws.  Land and Property Information may permit a change in the by-laws for a strata scheme to be lodged separately, and not in a consolidated version, if satisfied that it would be too onerous for a consolidated version to be lodged and there are no more than five separate change of by-laws recorded on the title of the common property.

Can you get an Exemption?

The new procedure for registering changes to the by-laws for a strata scheme at Land and Property Information is untested. However, we expect that it may prove difficult to secure an exemption from the need to lodge a consolidated version of the by-laws when registering a change to the by-laws. Where that occurs, every change of by-laws will require a new consolidated list of by-laws.

Why the Change?

The rationale for the change is to ensure that a consolidated set of all of the by-laws for a strata scheme is recorded on title much like the by-laws in a management statement for a community scheme or neighbourhood scheme.

What Happens to the Existing Registered By-Laws?

Once the consolidated version of the by-laws is registered, all current notifications of by-laws appearing on the common property title will be removed and the common property title will be updated to refer to the consolidated version only.

What Happens if I Get it Wrong?

When the consolidated list of by-laws is prepared, care will need to be taken to ensure that the list is complete and accurate. Land and Property Information will not examine the consolidated set of by-laws against any existing change of by-laws recorded on the common property title to ensure that the consolidated set is complete and accurate. If the consolidated set of by-laws is wrong, for example, an existing by-law is not included in the consolidated set; a person aggrieved by the error may make a claim against the owners corporation or strata manager who registered the incorrect consolidated set of by-laws.

Where is the Change Found and What does it Mean?

The new requirement concerning the registration of changes to by-laws for strata schemes is contained in clause 24 of the Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016.  We expect that this new requirement will create significant problems for strata managers and others who attempt to register changes to the by-laws without a consolidated version of the by-laws.

How Can we Help?

Muellers are able to prepare a consolidated version of the by-laws for a strata scheme for a fee of $750 plus GST where there are no more than two changes of by-laws dealings registered on the title of the common property.  For strata schemes which have more than two change of by-laws registered, please contact us to obtain a price to prepare a consolidated set of by-laws for that scheme.

There is Still Hope!

We will continue to provide a cost effective and efficient by-law registration service under the new regime. If you encounter difficulty registering changes to the by-laws for any strata scheme that you manage, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us so that we are able to help you.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Are You Prepared for the New Strata Laws?

October 2016 the JS Mueller & Co team presented to the strata industry on the new strata laws ‘Are you Prepared for the New Strata Laws?’ This is in preparation for the new Strata Schemes Management Bill 2015 and the Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015 due to commence 30 November 2016.

The JS Mueller and Co team presented:

  • James Moir: Works By-laws – How will they operate under the new laws?
  • Adrian Mueller: Meetings – What are the changes under the new laws?
  • Faiyaaz Shafiq: Levy Collection – Procedural changes under the new laws?
  • Anna Minassian: Building Defects – What impact will the new laws have?
  • Trish Smith: LevyCollect – How can it benefit you?

Please click below to view presentations and papers:

JS Mueller & Co New Strata Laws Forum Presentations_Oct16
JS Mueller & Co Forum Papers_Oct16

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.