Is Your Owners Corp’s Address Correct?

Did you know that an owners corporation can be served with legal documents at the address recorded on the common property certificate of title? Do you know if your common property certificate of title contains the proper address for service of legal documents on your owners corporation?

You want to make sure the proper address is recorded. In a recent case we saw, an owners corporation had not updated its address for service. Legal documents were sent to the old address and never passed on to the owners corporation. The NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) made orders against the owners corporation in default of its appearance. The owners corporation only found out about the orders made against it after the orders were made!

So, how do you avoid this embarrassing situation? Common Property Certificate of Title Address

Read on to learn why you should make sure your current address is registered on your common property certificate of title as your address for service. Your current address may be either the address of your building or your strata manager’s address.

If you require help to update your address on your certificate of title please contact us.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.