Is it Time to Review Your By-Laws Again? 


Do your strata by-laws keep pace with strata law changes?

In Nov 2016, every owners corporation was required to review its by-laws within 12 months.

Most owners corporations completed their by-law review by 2018.

Since then, there have been numerous changes to the laws affecting strata buildings.

Strata law changes affecting strata buildings

They include substantial changes to the laws regulating:

  • Short term rental accommodation arrangements – a by-law can now ban short term lettings in certain circumstances;
  • Pets – a by-law can no longer ban pets and by-laws that do are not enforceable;
  • Renovations – the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 now applies to many renovations – do your renovations by-laws require owners to comply with the Act?;
  • Fire Safety – news fire safety laws will be introduced to increase fire safety standards for strata buildings – do your by-laws allow your owners corporations to recover fire safety upgrade costs from owners?;
  • Sustainability Infrastructure – new strata laws relax the requirement for approval of sustainability infrastructure such as solar panels and electric vehicle charging stations;
  • Levy Recovery – there remains controversy about recovery of debt collection costs – do your by-laws allow these costs to be recorded in an owner’s ledger and recovered by the owners corporation?

Do your by-laws take into account these changes to the law?

If not, they might not be enforceable or they might simply be outdated.

So is it time to again review your by-laws? We have conducted 100’s of by-law reviews for owners corporations across NSW.


Adrian Mueller Partner JS Mueller & Co Lawyers specialising in Strata Law

Adrian Mueller I BCOM LLB FACCAL I Partner

Since 2002 Adrian has specialised almost exclusively in the area of strata law. His knowledge of, and experience in strata law is second to none. He is the youngest person to have been admitted as a Fellow of the ACSL, the peak body for strata lawyers in Australia. Profile I Linked

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

The Importance of a Good Renovation By-law

Good renovation by-laws will protect all parties such as the owners corporation, the lot owner (and future owners) plus ensure any renovations to a lot, in particular structural, are safe for the building.

A good renovation by-law will outline items such as:

  • A clear statement of the authorised work
  • The time frame for completion
  • Setting out any conditions that must be met
  • All contractors details and their insurances
  • Development consents
  • Recording all works, including structural works
  • Conditions that the lot owner and their contractor/s must adhere to
  • How waste is to be dealt with
  • Hours of work to minimise noise and disturbance to neighbours and the building
  • Access and parking requirements to ensure minimal disturbance to other lot owners and common property areas
  • Who is responsible for any ongoing maintenance
  • Ensuring that all work complies with relevant standards and legislation such as the Building Code of Australia and the Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020
  • Any nuances and more!


Why is it important to ensure that renovation by-laws are thorough?

Apart from wanting the renovation to run smoothly, the type of by-law to be used will depend on the renovation that is being undertaken. For example:

  • Is the renovation a bathroom or kitchen renovation involving waterproofing or changes to floor coverings; and
  • do you need a cosmetic, minor or major renovations by-law?

The tighter the renovation by-law the less likely there will be issues however in the event of an issue a well written by-law will more than likely get things back on track, minimising any disputes. A badly written renovation by-law may only exacerbate the situation and cause unwanted delays and disputes and may even end up in NCAT.


Are you in need of a renovation by-law?

Our legal team has significant expertise developing renovation by-laws for strata, company, and community living.

  • We have been developing renovation by-laws for 40+ years.
  • We know whether you will require a by-law for renovations for owners corporation approval.
  • We guarantee within 7 days you will receive the right renovation by-law.
  • We also understand that you ‘may’ need your renovation by-law urgently for an upcoming strata meeting – just let us know, we will make it happen.


Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.