Strata Levies Soar as the Cost of Living Rises

As the financial pressure heightens with rising interest rates and cost of living increases we’re seeing more and more people default on their levy payments.

We all know that raising and collecting strata levies for building maintenance and scheme administration is fundamental to an efficiently run strata complex.

When owners corporations allow owners to fall behind in their levy payments it leads to cash flow problems for an owners corporation which could lead to critical building works not being addressed and many other issues.

Recovering Overdue Levies

The recovery of strata levies is unique and requires a detailed understanding of the various strata laws as they apply in NSW.

So, when it does become a legal issue, recovering overdue levies is highly technical with a number of steps that must be taken before commencing legal action to recover the overdue levies from an owner.

Muellers WINS Huge Levy Debt Case and Rewrites the Law!

Sale of Apartment Owned by Monk who Disappeared Overseas Sets Legal Precedent!

Owners Corporations and strata managers in NSW sometimes wonder how they can recover outstanding strata levies from owners of strata units who’ve disappeared and are nowhere to be found. Well, do not be disillusioned JS Mueller & Co Lawyers has now given hope to owners corporations and strata managers.

Read on…Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) Domain

Overwhelmed and Need Assistance with Levy Debt Recovery?

We are expert collectors and negotiators highly skilled in all essential aspects of levy debt collection.

  • We have been collecting overdue levies for 30+ years.
  • Our dedicated team of paralegals do nothing but levy debt collection.
  • We do levy debt collection across regional and metropolitan NSW.
  • We will get results.

Now you can, sit back, relax and let us collect those overdue levies for you!

Contact Us

Speak to the specialist NSW levy collections experts here, we’d be happy to assist.

Supreme Court Orders Sale of Unit for Levy Payments!

Owners Corporations and strata managers in NSW sometimes wonder how they can recover outstanding strata levies from owners of strata units who have disappeared and are nowhere to be found. Well, do not be disillusioned.

Muellers has now given hope to owners corporations and strata managers and has proved the naysayers wrong acting in what has been widely reported as the first ever sale of a strata unit by the NSW Sheriff.

In the recent case of The Owners-Strata Plan No. 7396 -v- Siak Hong law (unreported), in which Muellers acted for the successful owners corporation, the Supreme Court of NSW ordered that documents be served on a unit owner who was unable to be found, via substituted service orders.

More importantly, the Supreme Court also ordered the NSW Sheriff to sell the owner’s unit by a certain date to ensure the sale of the unit and recovery of overdue levies was not delayed.

This case shows that overdue levies can be recovered from an errant unit owner and that it is possible to force the Sheriff to sell a strata unit to ensure that overdue levies are paid to an owners corporation.

The outcome we achieved in the case was the result of much hard work, sheer determination and a never say die attitude to demonstrate that even in the most difficult cases it is possible for overdue levies to be recovered.

Setting a precedent, the case was also picked up by mainstream media:

At Muellers that is the approach we take to all our levy collection matters and that is why we are widely regarded as the leader in strata levy collections.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

We LOVE those Garnishee Orders!

Why do we love them so much?

Because Garnishee Orders are the most effective way to recover outstanding levies.

So, what is a Garnishee Order?

  • A Garnishee Order is an order from the Court ordering someone else to pay us money on behalf of the debtor
  • They are issued against someone who we know is holding money for the debtor or owes money to the debtor. We can garnishee:
  • A bank account if we know the details of their bank account
  • Their wages if we know where they work
  • Rent from their investment unit (not necessarily the unit in levy arrears)

When can we issue a Garnishee Order?

  • Garnishee Orders can ONLY be issued after we have obtained Judgment – they are one of the ways we can enforce a Judgment and are the BEST option available

How can you help?

To help us recover your outstanding levies faster, when you give us instructions to collect overdue levies, if known, always provide the following details about the debtor:

  • Their bank account details
  • Their employment details
  • Details of any of their investment properties

So next time you brief JS Mueller & Co on a levy recovery matter don’t forget to provide us with those extra little details.

Click here for the full details of the new Levy Collection New Laws

For strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Online ‘LevyCollect’ Service 24/7/365

Trial our new online ‘Levy Collect’ service today. Simply send an email to and we’ll be in touch week commencing 11 January 2015.

Millions of Dollars

We understand that raising and receiving funds for building maintenance and scheme administration is fundamental to an efficiently-run scheme. That’s why, in 2015, the Muellers team collected millions of dollars in outstanding levies.

Access 24/7/365

Based on feedback from our clients, we also enhanced our levy collection service with a new online system ‘Levy Collect’, making it even easier for you to access your matters 24/7/365, anywhere, anytime from your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone….giving you back time to focus on other things.

FREE Trial

Anyone who would like to trial our new online ‘Levy Collect’ service can do so by contacting us and we’ll be in touch in 2016 with the details.

Trial our new service today by simply sending an email to and we’ll be in touch week commencing 11 January 2015.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Home Building Amendment Act NSW 2014 Delayed

Fair Trading NSW has confirmed that the 1 December 2014 commencement date for the NSW Home Building Amendment Act 2014 has been delayed to 2015.

The amendments will commence in two stages:

Stage 1:
It is anticipated that the critical change surrounding statutory warranties will commence mid-January 2015. The critical change to the warranties will be a shift from “structural defect” (which is the current position) to a warranty which will only cover a building defect which is a “major defect”.

If the defect is categorised as a “major defect” it will enjoy a 6 year warranty otherwise any defect which is not a major defect and/or a non-major item will only have a warranty for 2 years. The new definition of “major defect” will be more restrictive than the current definition of a “structural defect”. The new amendments will have retrospective effect.

Stage 1 will also have other amendments commencing mid January 2015 and they are as follows:

  1. For the first time, statutory warranties will be implied into subcontracts entered into by the principal contractor who undertakes residential building work. These changes will allow an owners corporation to enforce warranties as a successor in title against subcontractors.
  2. If a defect arises due to an owners defective design or specification the builder will not be held liable for that defect.
  3. Within 6 months the owner must notify the builder and the subcontractor of a defect. If the owner fails to do so such a failure may result in the reduction of any damages.
  4. Owners must not unreasonably refuse access to a builder who wishes to rectify the defect.
  5. Courts will be required to give priority to rectification orders as opposed to monetary orders.

Stage 2:
This stage will involve the provisions that relate to re-drafting of contracts. The contracts will have to comply with the amending legislation hence these will be dealt with in the second quarter of 2015.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.