Building Bond Scheme – What You Need to Know?

Recent research conducted by the University of NSW lists the top 15 common building defects in strata blocks.

To deal with problems caused by defective building work in new strata buildings, the NSW Government introduced a building bond scheme which commenced on 1 January 2018.

The bond scheme will apply to many new strata buildings that are built this year.

So, what do strata managers need to know?

To help you navigate the new laws we’ve prepared this paper Building Defects Bond Scheme that covers everything strata managers need to know.

For NSW strata building defect advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Are the New Building Defect Laws Doomed?

Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), talks with Adrian Mueller, partner, about building defects and the new inadequate laws.

Is the new system doomed to result in more cost and litigation?

Read the full Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) article here.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Wishing You a Happy Festive Season!

JS Mueller & Co Strata Lawyers 2017 Festive Season Message

To contact us during this period please leave a message and we’ll get back to you on our return.

We Love Sharing Our Strata Knowledge…

Thanks Strata, as a wrap up here are some useful links from 2017…

We’re taking a break from 5.30pm 21 December 2017 and returning on 15 January 2018.

We wish you and your families a safe and happy ‘Festive Season’ and look forward to working with you in 2018.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

The 5 Biggest Impacts of the New Strata Laws

One year later… what are the 5 biggest impacts of the new strata laws?

In this interview with LookUpStrata, Adrian Mueller, partner, JS Mueller & Co addresses the top 5 new strata laws and the changes to owners corporation fines and how they’ll affect you.

Click on the video below to view Adrian’s interview with Nikki from LookUpStrata as he discusses the following:

  1. New Strata Laws in Relation to the Way in which Owners will be Able to Vote at Strata Meetings
  2. Prohibition on Proxy Farming
  3. Renovations
  4. Undesirable Habits
  5. Removing Abandoned Goods

And, body corporate fines and the 3 main changes.

The full article can be viewed at LookUpStrata.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Introducing the New Look… JS Mueller & Co

The Brand

Nothing’s changed on the inside we’re still the same firm, with the same passion to deliver strata and property legal services of the highest order.

Our exciting new look and feel has been designed to reflect the growing business we are today and into the future.

You’ll start to see our new branding reflected across our website, legal documents, stationery, promotional materials and much more.

As we continue to grow JS Mueller & Co, we want our brand to best reflect why we exist, what we believe in and most of all we hope you like it!

PS: To get the full impact scroll down to the end and let us know what you think.

The Logo

JS Mueller & Co Strata Lawyers

The Website

Our new website reflects our new brand and is clean, simple and easy to navigate with some great new features such as…

Searchable Resource Library

We’ve created a strata ‘resource library’. The latest on all the new strata laws. And the best news is, whatever you’re looking for is easily found with a simple search.

Full Mobile Optimisation         

We’re thrilled to say that our website is fully mobile optimised and will work across a whole range of devices, operating systems and browsers. So now you can access our site whenever and wherever you need to.

And much more! Check out the new website now at

Stationery and More

JS Mueller & Co Brand


At JS Mueller & Co we’re always looking for ways to improve and we’d love to hear your feedback or suggestions.

Please email and we’ll consider your feedback.

Thanks strata!

PS: For the latest strata updates connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Did You Know the Sheriff Can Play an Important Role?

Did you know that the Sheriff can play an important role in the recovery of overdue strata levies?

How, you ask?

1. The Sheriff can be a very important ally when an owner fails to pay their strata levies, ignores repeated requests for payment and all else fails. So let’s bring in the Sheriff! Here’s how:

A Sheriff may act on a writ that we have arranged for the court to issue. Firstly, the Sheriff will attempt contact with the debtor via phone or written correspondence. If there’s no response the Sheriff will attend the debtor’s property and seize assets to be sold at auction to cover the value of the levy collection debt.

Sheriffs have been known to seize cars, bikes and household goods etc. This is called a ‘Sheriffs sale’ – it’s important to note that sometimes these can take time.

On a positive note, often just the Sheriff turning up on the debtor’s doorstep will action them into paying their strata levies.

2. Also, upon obtaining a Supreme Court Order for possession of a property, the Sheriff can then take possession of the property so it can be sold to pay the strata levy debt.

3. Sheriffs can also assist when the debtor has ignored an examination order to attend the court to explain his or her financial circumstances, an arrest warrant can be issued and the Sheriff can then arrest the debtor and take them to the court to be examined.

This can assist you in ascertaining the debtor’s financial circumstances and obtaining employment information so you can take further action and garnishee wages for payment of the outstanding strata levies.

So, how can you help?
Phone Numbers

Did you know that all Sheriff matters initially now go to the COU? From here, the Sheriff will attempt to make contact with the debtor via written correspondence and phone calls.

So, if you’re able to provide the debtor’s phone numbers at this point the Sheriff will more than often get a much better result.

Licence Plate Numbers

If the Sheriff has had no luck when phoning the person they will visit their premises during business hours and if the person isn’t available (as most people aren’t during these hours) they will leave a business card requesting them to call the Sheriff’s office.  Clearly, this is often ignored by the owner who is choosing not to pay their outstanding strata levies.

Again, if you can provide us with the licence plate number of the car the owner drives there is a strong chance that this will help us (and the Sheriff) locate the debtor quicker and recover the outstanding strata levies.

So, the Sheriff can be very effective in being that extra length of the stick to ‘poke the bear’ – and yes, some strata levy debtors will respond to the Sheriff even though they’ve already ignored repeated requests for payment of overdue levies.

Oh, and did you know…

Some interesting historical information on what was once part of a Sheriff’s role in NSW. They were once responsible for:

  • Carrying out death sentences in criminal cases
  • Discharging the duties of the Coroner
  • Running the gaols
  • Executing all the judgments, decrees and orders of the Supreme Court

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Rules Against Short Term Lettings

In a recent case, NCAT ruled against a short term letting by-law being passed for a Sydney apartment block.

So, was NCAT’s decision wrong?

Can an owners corporation pass a by-law that bans short term letting?

Read on to find out: NCAT Rules Against Short Term Letting By-law

For strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Lift Refurbishments and Compensation Payouts?

Can an owners corporation shut down the lifts in its building to refurbish them?

If so, does the owners corporation have to pay compensation to owners and tenants who cannot access their apartments via the lifts during a lift refurbishment? And does a lift refurbishment need to be authorised by special resolution?

There are many thorny issues to navigate, to find out more Strata Building Lift Refurbishments

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

The New Rules for Appointing Lawyers

There are new rules an owners corporation must follow before appointing a lawyer or taking legal action (legal services).

If legal services:

  • will not cost more than $3,000, or
  • are urgent and will not cost more than $15,000, or
  • relate to obtaining legal advice before taking legal action, or
  • concern the collection of overdue levies,

the strata committee is able to approve those legal services: see section 103 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and cl 26 Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016.

If the above applies, there is no need for an owners corporation or strata manager to send a lawyer’s costs agreement or costs disclosure to owners and committee members under section 105 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.

The above assumes the power of the strata committee to obtain legal services or spend money has not been restricted at a general meeting and owners who hold 1/3 of the unit entitlements do not block a proposed decision of a strata committee to obtain legal services.

In all other cases, the owners corporation must approve of the legal services by passing a resolution at a general meeting in accordance with s 103(1) Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.

The new rules will reduce the scope for a strata committee to approve legal services as a result of the threshold amount to avoid general meeting approval reducing from $12,500 to $3,000 in most cases.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.