Owner Disappears Owing Debts of $1.4 Million

After becoming a monk, a landlord in Sydney, named Law Siek Hong, “gave up” his property and disappeared in Malaysia, leaving a large levy debt behind.

Law Siek Hong property is located in Darlinghurst, the owner of the property committee spent 12 years, more than 60,000 Australian dollars (RMB300,000) trying to find him, forcing him to pay a cumulative tax of more than 280,000 Australian dollars (RMB1.4 million).

Recently, the owners committee won a supreme court suit, debuting the apartment for the first time by auctioning off the debt.

Senior lawyer, JS Mueller & Co, Faiyaaz Shafiq said: “This is a big issue in Australia because some overseas buyers are usually from Asia, but they never live in it and no one knows where they are and they are usually hard to find.”

To read the full Sydney Morning Herald Domain article click here.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Levy Collection App… A Real Time Saver!

The JS Mueller & Co team takes pride in providing you with an unparalleled service, comprehensive knowledge and in-depth experience in all aspects of levy collection and strata law. Our levy collection service is second to none with our recently integrated  ‘LevyCollect’ app. Simple, free and easy to use – accessible through your device, on the go. Benefits include:

  • Reduces your workload – gives you time back
  • 24/7/365 access from your desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet – anytime, anywhere
  • Gives you greater access to your Levy Collection matters
  • You choose when to access your matters
  • All of your matter communication conveniently located in one place
  • Regular reporting – you choose when and how often you receive reports
  • Simple, easy to use app and/or log in

If you’d like to trial our new FREE simple to use LevyCollect app contact us at jsmmarketing@muellers.com.au

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.