ATO Provides Tax Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs

As combustible cladding is fast becoming a major focus for multi-storied buildings in New South Wales, lot owners and owners corporations are now facing a major bill and headache to replace combustible cladding.

The problem with combustible cladding has been further exacerbated by the current pandemic as a number of lot owners are unable to afford a special levy due to having lost employment. Some are even facing bankruptcy.

Despite these difficulties, some relief for combustible cladding costs has now arrived from the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

In this document we explain the recent ATO ruling to assist in rectifying combustible cladding defects… ATO Provides Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Changes the Rules for Strata Disputes

NCAT has recently changed the rules that apply to expert evidence in most strata cases.

These changes relax the rules relating to expert evidence and make it easier for opinions to be given by experts in a quicker and cheaper way.

Previously, if a person such as a building consultant, engineer or valuer, wanted to give expert evidence in a strata dispute in NCAT, they had to comply with certain rules before their evidence would be accepted.

These included rules that required the person to follow an Expert Witness Code of Conduct to ensure that they act as an independent expert and not as the “hired gun” of one of the parties.

Often, an expert’s report would be rejected by NCAT if those rules were not followed.

However, those rules no longer apply to most strata disputes. This means that experts will now be able to give evidence in most strata cases in NCAT without having to comply with every aspect of the Expert Witness Code of Conduct.

This is intended to ensure that opinions for strata disputes, given by experts, are able to be obtained in an easier and cheaper way although those opinions will still need to be soundly based and reliable.

So, what are the new rules for giving expert evidence? NCAT Changes the Rules for Strata Disputes.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

The Right to Legal Representation in NCAT

Did you know a person involved in a strata dispute in NCAT must get permission from NCAT to be represented by a strata lawyer?

Under the previous legislation, legal representation at NCAT was allowed. However, all of that changed with the introduction in 2014 of the NCAT and in 2016 the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.

This has created problems and questions for many owners corporations which require legal representation in NCAT such as:

  • When and will NCAT grant permission for a party to be represented by a lawyer?
  • What happens if NCAT refuses to allow a strata lawyer to represent an owners corporation – who will present the owners corporation’s case?
  • Can the strata lawyer still help if they cannot provide representation at NCAT?

So, what role can a strata lawyer for an owners corporation play when NCAT does not allow the lawyer to represent the owners corporation?  What is The Right to Strata Legal Representation in NCAT?

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Proposal Rejected to Upgrade Common Property 

The Supreme Court has rejected a proposal by an owners corporation to upgrade its common property in a way that would have impeded access to an owner’s car space.

The building is a residential strata scheme in inner Sydney containing 80 residential apartments, 27 car space lots and common property.

A particular car space, not attached to any apartment lot within the building, was purchased as an investment.

The owners corporation of the building proposed to change the use of and upgrade an area of common property adjacent to this car space. This upgrade, if implemented, would have impeded the ability of the owner or tenant to drive a standard size vehicle into and out of car space.

What are the broader implications of this case? Read our case paper to find out Common Property and Supreme Court

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.