In NSW there are different rules that your landlords must follow for the 3 types of renovations
Is Your Landlord Planning Strata Renovations?

In NSW there are different rules that your landlords must follow for the 3 types of renovations
If you live or work in strata or community title it’s important that you are aware of the changes to the law as follows…
Will your by-laws need updating in line with the new strata laws?
Electric vehicle (EV) charging, older strata apartment buildings and a new federal law! Read on…
Supreme Court rejects compensation claim by a lot owner for loss of rent. Read on…
Can NCAT Resolve Any Strata Dispute or Just Some? Here we share an interesting recent case outcome.
Can an owners corporation avoid repairing common property defects caused by the recent wet weather?
Lessons learned – are your Management Statements compliant with the CLMA 2021?
Owners corporation has been ordered to pay compensation to owners for failing to fix defects on common property!
There were many changes to strata laws during 2021. Here we share the top 5 by-laws for 2021.