Lot Owners, Tenants and Shared Facilities in Strata

A lot owner has an apartment in a strata scheme with shared facilities with a pool, sauna and gym however the owner does not live in that strata scheme because they have rented their apartment out – can they still use the pool, sauna and gym, deemed as shared facilities?

The answer may not be that straight forward and raises many questions:

  • They have rented out their apartment, but the lot owner still pays the levies so wouldn’t they be entitled to use the shared facilities?
  • Even though the lot owner still pays the levies have they signed their rights over to the tenants for use of the shared facilities once they lease the property?
  • Can the lot owner prohibit their tenants from using the apartment facilities thereby by doing so, the owner can have complete access to the facilities as after all they pay the levies?
  • Perhaps the lot owner can still use the facilities, unless there is a specific by-law which prohibits them from using the shared facilities?

The answer is typically this:

  • When an owner leases their lot, they also lease their interests in the common property to their tenant.
  • This means the owner forfeits his or her right to use the common property facilities such as the pool, sauna and gym.
  • In some cases a shrewd owner might change the lease to reserve to the owner the right to continue to use the common property facilities.
  • It is unlikely this would be legally effective because an owner’s interest in the common property cannot be dealt with separately from, or severed from, his or her interest in their lot.
  • However, an astute owner could decide not to lease out part of the lot such as storage room or one of two car spaces. In doing so, the owner could retain his or her interest in the common property and the right to use the common property facilities.

Do you need to review your by-laws?

In some cases it can be very useful to put in place a by-law that makes these rules clear to ensure that common property facilities are not overused.


Adrian Mueller Partner JS Mueller & Co Lawyers specialising in Strata Law

Adrian Mueller I BCOM LLB FACCAL I Partner

Since 2002 Adrian has specialised almost exclusively in the area of strata law. His knowledge of, and experience in strata law is second to none. He is the youngest person to have been admitted as a Fellow of the ACSL, the peak body for strata lawyers in Australia. Profile I Linked

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist

BBQs, Pools, Gyms, Summer! Get your By-laws Right!

By-laws for BBQs, Pools and Gyms

Hot summer weather and the festive season is upon us and what a better time for lot owners and tenants to get fit, have a dip and pull out the barbie on a balmy summers day.

As the weather warms up to higher temperatures, so does the festive cheer. We recommend that reviewing and updating the following by-laws to help ensure that your strata blocks have clear rules and a stress free summer festive season.

BBQs – Fire Safety and Smoke Drift

For safety and smoke drift purposes it is highly recommended that a comprehensive by-law regulating (sometimes prohibiting) the use of BBQs on balconies.

Regulations on the type of BBQs such as

  • Smokers
  • Open fires
  • Storage of LPG bottles, inflammable liquids and other substances and materials

All of these items should be considered as part of your by-laws.

Pools – Don’t Ignore the Potential Risks

A communal pool in strata has its benefits, but the risks cannot be ignored that’s why it’s important to have a clear set of communal rules in the form of a by-law to ensure everyone stays safe.

A by-law with clear communal rules such as:

  • ‘No running’, ‘no diving (in shallow water)’ and ‘no bringing of glass’ at the pool are all great ways to help ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Electricity and water do not mix well, so it’s important to minimise the risk of accidents by limiting electrical use around pools.
  • And…who can and cannot use the pool.

Gyms – Reduce your Risks

Like pools, gyms in strata complexes have many benefits however come with safety risks and that’s why it’s critical to have a set of by-law rules to ensure everyone’s safety.

  • Keeping noise to a minimum
  • Hours of gym operation
  • Safety rules
  • Use and cleaning of equipment and more

Our specialist team of strata lawyers have been developing and reviewing by-laws for over 40 years. So, if you’re looking for a by-law or a review, we’d be happy to assist.

Get your by-laws right – speak to the experts!

Adrian Mueller Partner JS Mueller & Co Lawyers specialising in Strata Law

Adrian Mueller I BCOM LLB FACCAL I Partner

Since 2002 Adrian has specialised almost exclusively in the area of strata law. His knowledge of, and experience in strata law is second to none. He is the youngest person to have been admitted as a Fellow of the ACSL, the peak body for strata lawyers in Australia. Profile I Linked

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.