NCAT Gives Green Light to “User Pays” By-laws

In a recent decision, the Appeal Panel of NCAT has approved of a by-law which introduced a “user pays” system for the cost of electricity used to keep hot water supplied to some but not all lots in a mixed-use strata scheme.

This decision confirms that an owners corporation is able to make a by-law that introduces a “user pays” system for utilities costs such as water, electricity and gas expenses.

Based in Byron Bay this case is an important step in confirming that an owners corporation is able to introduce a “user pays” by-law for the cost of utilities that are supplied to some but not all lots.

JS Mueller & Co Lawyers has drafted many of these types of by-laws which are not uncommon.

To read the full article click here: NCAT Gives the Green Light for User Pays By-laws

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