An Overview of Recent Key Changes to Strata Law

There have been a number of important key changes made to strata laws over the last 6 months.

This includes changes to legislation and recent court and NCAT decisions.

In this article we provide an overview of those key changes to help you get across them and make recommendations as to what you should do get the most out of them and to ensure you comply with them.

The article covers the following strata law key changes:

  • Building Defects – duty of care
  • Removing abandoned goods and illegally parked cars – the new rules
  • Developer and common property rights by-laws
  • No pets by-laws
  • NCAT – can now award damages
  • COVID-19 – strata regulations extended
  • Short term rental accommodation – mandatory code of conduct

The full article and recommendations are available here An Overview of Recent Key Changes to Strata Law

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

It’s Time to Review Your Strata By-laws Again!

Recent Court and NCAT decisions and changes to strata laws have impacted on the validity of many by-laws.

This means that it is now essential to again review your strata scheme’s by-laws.

In this article we take a look at the types of by-laws that need to be reviewed due to these recent cases and changes to the law. These include:

  • No Pets By-laws
  • Short Term Letting By-laws
  • Abandoned Goods and Illegally Parked Vehicles By-laws
  • No Smoking By-laws
  • No Hard Floor Coverings By-laws
  • Prohibiting Business Activities in Lots

The full article can be reviewed here: Strata Law Changes Means By-law Reviews

Did you know there are only 58 days until Christmas day? To ensure you have the right by-laws in place for the festive season click below now and we’ll be in touch.


For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Rules for Abandoned Goods Check Your By-laws

Get Your By-Laws Checked: New Rules for Abandoned Goods and Vehicles on Strata Properties

On 1 July 2020, the NSW legislation for abandoned goods on strata properties moved to the Uncollected Goods Act 1995 and will therefore no longer be regulated under the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and strata regulations.

This means what can be done to dispose of or sell abandoned goods on common property in NSW strata buildings has changed.

A Quick Summary of the New Rules for Abandoned Goods

1.The Uncollected Goods Act 1995 (Act) is the law that now governs goods and vehicles abandoned on common property within strata properties in NSW.

2. The Act divides abandoned goods into six categories with different rules and procedure applying to each category. The six categories are:

    • Perishable
    • Low Value
    • Medium Value
    • High Value
    • Personal Documents and Memorabilia
    • Motor Vehicles (an owners corporation can move vehicles that it reasonably believes have been abandoned on common property)

3. A person disposing of the abandoned goods will not be liable for doing so if they follow the procedures set out in the Act. This includes disposing of abandoned goods in accordance with an order made by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) as NCAT has the power to order the disposal and management of the goods.

4. Under the Act, uncollected goods including any goods that owners reasonably believe to be abandoned or left behind on common property.

5. Appropriate records of the sale or disposal of the abandoned goods must be kept by the party disposing the goods and who it went to as follows:

    • Low value items documentation must be kept for at least 12 months
    • Higher value items plus their records must be kept for at least 12 years

6. If you don’t know the person who owns the abandon goods, you should make a reasonable effort to identify the owner of the goods and communicate with them.

7. The strata committee can request that additional expenses for removing, storing, maintaining or insuring the goods are covered.

8. A person cannot confiscate and refuse to return the goods because the owner owes money for other debts, such as rent or levies.

9. For more information visit Fair Trading NSW ‘uncollected goods and vehicles in strata schemes.

10. You will need to update your abandoned goods and vehicle by-laws to ensure they are in line with these new laws.

For NSW strata legal, by-law, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.