NCAT Invalidates No Cooking By-law!

Can a by-law prohibit the cooking of food including toasting bread in a lot?

In short, the answer is “no” according to NCAT.  However, there is a silver lining in NCAT’s ruling.


The Background

There is a large residential strata building located in Newcastle, New South Wales.  The building contains 87 residential lots.  The building was previously an aged care facility.

The building contains a commercial kitchen for shared use by the building’s occupants.  Some of the lot’s also contain a kitchenette, other smaller lot’s do not and rely on the shared kitchen.


The By-law

The buildings cooking by-law prohibited the cooking of food in any lot without kitchen facilities. However, a lot owner objected to the by-law and applied to NCAT for an order to invalidate the by-law.

Here we share the case and outcome… NCAT Invalidates No Cooking By-law


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Landmark Ruling for Smokers Living in Apartments!

Could puffing on a cigarette or throwing a snag on the barbie be under threat after a significant decision by the NSW Court?

In short, a couple who owned an apartment in Kingscliff, Northern Rivers NSW took their neighbours to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) for smoking on their balcony.

The couple accused their neighbours of smoking on the balcony causing smoke drift which leaked through to  the couples’ apartment air vents and their doors and windows, despite them being closed.

NCAT ruled in the couple’s favour stating that the neighbours (or any guests) were no longer permitted to smoke on their balcony.

Could this landmark ruling set a precedent for future smoke drift cases and perhaps result in a statewide ban for smoking on balconies in NSW and… could the good old ‘Aussie BBQ’ also be under threat?

Do you need a ‘smoke drift’ by-law or is it time to review your ‘smoke drift’ by-law?

The full media article can be read her


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Pet Laws for Renters Restrict Landlords

Under new proposed pet laws renters may soon be allowed to own pets without needing approval from landlords.

The current laws state that:

  • In NSW it is up to the discretion of the landlord whether they wish to accept a potential tenant with a pet
  • The only exception for landlords in NSW is that they cannot refuse assistance animals
  • In other states and territories across Australia, such as the ACT, landlords are required to go to the tribunal to obtain approval for any pet refusals

These potential changes will bring NSW laws in line with other laws across Australia and provide potential tenants with pets a greater choice, restricting landlords to deny pet owners.

With these impending changes it is important to ensure your pets by-laws are up to date and take into account the recent changes to both strata and residential tenancy laws regarding pets.


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Are EV’s a Risk for Older Strata Buildings?

From October 2023, a new federal policy will come into place for electric vehicles (EV’s) relating to EV charging in apartment blocks.

The new policy states that it is mandatory for all apartment buildings to be built allowing for EV charging infrastructure.

But… what about existing older strata buildings and the growing demand for EV’s and EV charging facilities?

Electric Vehicle Chargers in Older Strata Blocks


Is there a risk for older apartment buildings and their market value if they don’t find a solution for installing the necessary EV charging infrastructure, particularly as these new rules come into place?

Perhaps, just as strata committees have adjusted to retrofitting solar, they must now adjust to retrofitting EV charging solutions for tenants and lot owners.

The NSW Government has developed this guide to assist with getting your building ‘EV ready’.

Do you Need an Electric Vehicle (EV) By-law?


Our specialist team of strata lawyers have drafted many by-laws permitting owners to install electric vehicle chargers in strata buildings. Our EV by-law considers and covers all essentials including these key issues:

  • Who’s responsible for paying the cost of electricity used to charge electric vehicles
  • Any necessary upgrades to the electricity infrastructure in the building


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Short Term Accommodation Restrictions

Popular regional areas of NSW have been experiencing a housing crisis for some time now due to the lack of supply of full-time rental homes, further fuelled by the pandemic and devasting floods in recent times.

What Restrictions are in Place?

In response to the housing crisis new holiday letting regulation has recently come in across the Byron Shire where a home can only be on the short term market for 90 days.

Also, now in place are short term holiday restrictions of no more than 180 days a year for the greater Sydney region, Ballina area, Bega Valley, the City of Newcastle, Dubbo, parts of the Clarence Valley and Muswellbrook regions.

The Loophole

However, some letting agents have found a loophole allowing them to get around the new legislation.

A multi-dwelling property where a person lives in one of those homes can still rent the others without restriction where there is more than one dwelling on the property, which permits a possible 365-day annual income.

These properties are usually defined as:

  • Hosted – where the owner lives on the premises for most of the time, or
  • Non-hosted – where the owner simply plays landlord, and the home is permanently off the long term market

It’s the latter category that has come under fire for inflaming the housing crisis.

A proposed 90-day cap on short-term letting in parts of Byron Shire is expected to be implemented to alleviate a dire rental shortage on non-hosted properties.

The cap, if passed, is set to be enforced from June 2024 to give landlords time to plan ahead.

Do you need a Short Term Accommodation By-law Review?

It’s 8 weeks until the holiday season are your STRA by-laws up to date?



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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NSW Supreme Court Rules By-law Void for Uncertainty

A recent NSW Supreme Court ruling invalidated a by-law that required several owners corporations in a prominent strata complex in Sydney to all use the same strata manager.

The Finger Wharf at Woolloomooloo Bay is a well-known Sydney landmark. It was redeveloped about twenty-five years ago and remains a prominent Sydney landmark where many people now live, and businesses thrive.

The Finger Wharf structures, including the associated marina, are subdivided into seven strata schemes and a stratum lot. The Finger Wharf is governed by a management statement (SMS).

Up until recently, the SMS required all owners corporations to appoint the same strata managing agent as the Building Management Committee’s (BMC) agent. There was a corresponding by-law for each strata scheme.

However, at a general meeting in 2022 three of the owners corporations voted to appoint a new strata managing agent for their buildings, challenging the SMS that had existed for the last two decades without issue.

The dispute among the residents and occupants of the Finger Wharf about its management ended up in the NSW Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court ruled that the SMS provision and by-law that required all of the strata schemes to use the same strata manager as the BMC was void for uncertainty and invalid.

The Court concluded that the SMS provision and by-law were void because it was not clear what functions of each owners corporation were required to be delegated to the same strata manager.

The full case details can be found here:

Walker Corporation Pty Ltd v The Owners – Strata Plan No 61618 [2022] NSWSC 1246

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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can Tenants Apply to NCAT for Rent Relief for Defects?

Tenants, Building Defects, NCAT and Rent Relief


In a recent case, a property manager failed to inform a landlord of defects in the common property of a strata building and take any steps to investigate issues that a tenant had complained about.

The tenant applied to NCAT for a rent reduction as the landlord had breached their obligation to keep the rented premises in a reasonable state of repair as water leaked into the premises. The tenant was successful.

Who Could be Liable?


If a tenant claims rent relief from NCAT due to defects in a strata building, it’s important to note that NCAT could deem that it is the responsibility of the:

  • Landlord who could lose rent (or worse) if they do nothing;
  • Property manager if they fail to fix defects in the premises that they are authorised to repair following a tenant’s complaint in a timely manner;
  • Property manager if they have not advised the landlord of defects (where they are not authorised organise repairs) following a tenant’s complaint;
  • Owners corporation who could also be held liable for a landlord’s loss of rent.

A Timely Reminder for Managing Agents!

Ensure your professional indemnity insurance is current;

  • Ensure your professional indemnity insurance is current
  • Obtain landlord consent on a minimum amount for repair works which can be dealt with without the landlord’s approval;
  • Allocate sufficient resources to attend to repair requests in a timely manner to avoid issues which could lead to court proceedings;
  • Request that any common property defects are promptly repaired by the owners corporation;
  • Ensure that the relevant strata by-laws for the apartment block are up to date to minimise your risk

Here we share some cases…

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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Unauthorised Renovations Works: Unscrambling the Egg

The perennial problem of owners who carry out unauthorised renovations works to common property continues to rear its head.

Here we look at the different strategies for dealing with unauthorised renovations works and explore the problems that arise when an owners corporation ignores the problem for too long.

What are the Different Ways to Deal with Unauthorised Renovations?

  • The Aggressive Approach
  • A Stern Approach
  • Someone Else’s Problem Approach
  • A Collaborative Approach
  • The Ostrich Approach

In this article we look at the different approaches and lessons learned Unauthorised Renovations and how to deal with them!

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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Electric Vehicle (EV) By-laws – Seven By-law Considerations!


What do you need to consider in your EV Strata By-law?


EV by-law’s prepared by our team permits all owners to install electric vehicle chargers in their car spaces or garages and connect those chargers by cabling leading to the switchboard.

However, there are a number of matters an owners corporation needs to consider when adopting the by-law and permitting owners to install electric vehicle chargers.

Seven EV By-law Considerations


  1. Is there sufficient room on the switchboard for additional circuit breakers to be installed for each electric vehicle charger installed by an owner?
  2. Is the existing electrical infrastructure on common property sufficient to handle the additional loads generated by electrical vehicle chargers when they charge EVs? If not, who will be liable to pay for the upgrade of that infrastructure?
  3. Is it possible for electric vehicle chargers to be separately metered and charged to the owner’s account instead of the owners corporation paying for the electricity that is used by the EV chargers?
  4. Do the EV chargers and their use create any risks to the health and safety of other residents?
  5. Are there sufficient cable trays in place in the garage or other areas to accommodate the cabling that will need to be run between electric vehicle chargers in lot owners’ garages and the switchboard.
  6. Will the electric vehicle chargers be compatible with any load management system in place and the electrical infrastructure that exists in the building?
  7. Is it possible for limitations to be placed on the loads drawn by electric vehicle chargers, for example, to limit electric vehicle chargers to single phase chargers drawing no more than 10amps power?

JS Mueller & Co Lawyers EV by-laws deal with some of these considerations and often is tailored to deal with most of them.



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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Lessons Learned from CLMA 2021 By-law Reviews

Important Changes to CLMA 2021

The commencement of the Community Land Management Act 2021 (CLMA 2021) on 1 December 2021 has introduced a number of important changes to the laws regulating by-laws in Community Management Statements and Neighbourhood Management Statements.


Are Your By-laws up to Date?

As a result of these changes a number of by-laws contained in Management Statements are no longer valid or enforceable and many by-laws in Management Statements are now redundant.

This means there is a need for community associations and neighbourhood associations to review their Management Statements to ensure compliance with the CLMA 2021.

By-law Reviews – What Lessons Have Been Learned?

In the article below, we share some of the lessons that have been learned from those by-law reviews following the commencement of CLMA 2021. We look at:

  • Harsh By-laws
  • Pet By-laws
  • Leasing
  • By-laws Regarding Association Committees and Insurance
  • Old Terminology
  • Changes to Part 1 By-laws

Read article hear – CLMA 2021 Lessons Learned

Are You Compliant – Need a Review?

Our specialist strata lawyers have reviewed dozens of Management Statements for community and neighbourhood schemes. Need a review – click here now


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

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