Strata NSW COVID-19 Laws Extended!

Strata NSW Covid-19 Laws Extended

To help strata and community associations to continue to manage their responsibilities of COVID-19 the NSW Government has extended the timeline for these laws to remain in place.

Laws were previously added to the Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 and the Community Land Management Regulation 2021 in response to the NSW COVID-19 outbreak.

These laws included allowing voting at remote meetings to be held electronically by tele or video conferencing, email or other electronic means. It is important to note that these laws will still apply even if a motion has not been passed.

New COVID-19 Strata Law Deadlines

Initially these temporary laws were to end on 31 May 2022 however they will now remain in place until 30 September 2022.

For further information visit: Strata Schemes Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2022 and the Community Land Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2022.

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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Strata, Rain, Water Leaks and Common Property Fixes

NSW has experienced unprecedented wet weather this year which has made it difficult to find contractors who are able to repair common property defects in strata blocks.

However, the duty to repair common property is a strict one and there are limited exceptions to that rule. So does the recent inclement weather provide an owners corporation with a lawful excuse for delaying essential repairs and maintenance?

In this article we take a closer look at the responsibility of an owners corporation to repair common property… Rain, Water Leaks, Delays, Tenants and Common Property Fixes.

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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Common Property Changes: What Resolution is Required?

What type of resolution must an owners corporation pass in order to authorise a change to common property?

The strata legislation allows an owners corporation to replace common property with the authority of an ordinary resolution.

But the legislation also says that an owners corporation cannot upgrade common property unless it first passes a special resolution.

Where is the line drawn between replacing and improving common property?

In this article we take a closer look at this much vexed issue: Changing Common Property_ An Ordinary or Special Resolution?

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Mandatory AGM Digital Reporting for Strata Schemes!

Commencing 30 June 2022, the NSW Government will launch phase 2 of the ‘Strata Hub’, revolutionising strata management which means new reporting requirements for all strata schemes.

The ‘Strata Hub’ phase 1 initially went live on 31 July 2021 launching the Strata Building Bond and Inspections Scheme (IBBIS) functions to be dealt with through the ‘Strata Hub’.

What is ‘Strata Hub’ phase 2?

  • ‘Strata Hub’ is a central point of information for all NSW’s strata schemes
  • Information held on the ‘Strata Hub’ will increase transparency and access to information for Strata Schemes
  • Purchasers will be able to obtain information about Strata Schemes for the purpose of potential purchases
  • Current owners will be able to obtain documents/information such as fire inspection and environmental building reports
  • Regulators will be able to monitor a scheme’s maintenance and building defects
  • People working in strata related industries will now have easier access to much needed information

When does ‘Strata Hub’ phase 2 commence?

  • ‘Strata Hub’ commences 30 June 2022
  • Your Strata Schemes must be registered on the portal by 30 September 2022

What are the new reporting requirements for strata schemes?

  • Within 3 months of an AGM, strata schemes will be required to lodge a return with the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), providing key details about the scheme
  • Payable to the OFT annually, a fee of $3 per lot is required to cover administration costs
  • For any updates/corrections to existing information you are obliged to update that information within 28 days from the date the secretary or managing agent became aware of the change
  • If you do not comply fines of up to $2,200 can be imposed

The information stored on ‘Strata Hub’ will be divided into 2 categories:

  • Publicly available information
  • Other information available to limited groups

Would you like further information and assistance?

  • Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Information) Regulation 2021 (the Information Regulation) on the NSW Legislation website
  • A full list of the information required for the report to lodge with the OFT, and recommendations for where it can be sourced, is available here
  • For any further assistance you may also contact specialist strata lawyers, JS Mueller & Co Lawyers here

‘Strata Hub’ is intended to be a central access point for residential strata buildings that will make it easier for buyers, owners, regulators, and those working in strata related industries to get the required information they need.

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Bill to Implement Covid Measures Permanently

Did you know that a new Bill Is currently before the NSW Parliament to permanently implement COVID-19 measures for the strata industry?

In the last 24 months, temporary reforms were made to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and the Community Land Management Act 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 and Other Legislation Amendment (Regulatory Reforms) Bill 2022 proposes to make those reforms permanent.

The reforms include:

The New Reforms

The reforms include allowing:

    • strata owners corporations, strata committees and community associations, to meet and vote electronically without passing a resolution to do so;
    • owners corporations and community associations to validly execute documents by affixing the common seal electronically or by not affixing the seal at all; and
    • service of a document on an owner or occupier of a lot to be by email to an address nominated by the owner or occupier for the service of documents.

More Information 

Source: Explanatory note for the COVID-19 and Other Legislation Amendment (Regulatory Reforms) Bill 2022, accessed 17 February 2022.

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

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NCAT Tightens the Screws on By-laws!

A recent decision of the Appeal Panel of the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has highlighted the potential risks for owners corporations seeking to impose penalties and other sanctions on lot owners in connection with non-compliance with by-laws.

Careful attention will need to be paid by owners corporations to “cost recovery” aspects of their by-laws to ensure that an otherwise well constructed by-law is not rendered completely invalid.

Here we share a recent case where NCAT Tightens the Screws on Strata By-laws.

Owners corporations who have these by-laws should give consideration to having them reviewed.

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Annual Reporting Rules for Strata Schemes

On Friday 17 December 2021, the Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Information) Regulation 2021 (the Information Regulation) was published establishing a new annual reporting requirement for strata schemes in NSW.

What does the new annual reporting requirement change mean for NSW strata?

Commencing  June 2022, all NSW owners corporations will be required to:

  • Provide key details about their scheme, including building, safety and management information
  • Help cover the cost of administration and enforcement of the scheme by payment of a lodgement fee of $3 per lot with their annual report
  • Submit their first report within 3 months from 30 June 2022 to 30 September 2022
  • Upload their report online through the Strata Hub

Further information can be found here:

  • Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Information) Regulation 2021 (the Information Regulation) on the NSW Legislation website
  • A full list of the information required for the report, and recommendations for where it can be sourced, is available here
  • Guidance on the requirements set out in the Information Regulation and on how to submit the report will be provided to strata schemes in early 2022
  • For any further assistance you may also contact JS Mueller & Co Lawyers here

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Annual Reporting for Strata – Have Your Say!

Proposed New Annual Reporting for Strata Schemes

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More than 1.2 million people live in strata schemes across NSW.

The NSW Government wants to introduce new annual reporting to better meet strata communities’ needs and improve consumer protection.

Which means, owners corporations would need to report and verify information each year on the NSW Government’s Strata Hub. This digital portal will centralise strata information, which is currently hard to find or unavailable.

As such, the NSW government has drafted a proposed Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Information) Regulation outlining the information to be reported, who can access it, the costs and the start date.

The NSW government wants to hear from people who live, own, rent, work or planning to invest in strata and councils and other strata stakeholders.

Earlier this year, the NSW government consulted broadly on what people want from a Strata Hub. Once fully implemented, the hub will offer up-to-date strata information, provide key data on how schemes are being managed, and make communication easier.

Have Your Say Now!

The deadline to provide feedback is 18 November 2021.
To have your say NSW strata, you may simply complete a short survey and/or upload a written submission here – have your say!
For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

One Case & Your Entire Block is Forced into Lockdown!

Did you know that the NSW Government now has the power to lock down your entire strata block with just one positive Covid Case?

Apartment residents could be hit by COVID-19 laws produced by the NSW Government, which is able to lock down entire unit blocks when just one person tests positive to the virus.

The police also now have new powers to patrol buildings, quiz everyone living in – and visiting – apartments for their names and phone numbers, and order them all to take COVID tests.

In addition, any non-residents present at the time a block is locked down could be trapped in the building.

Read on for further details in this recent Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) Domain article

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Get Ready for Change – Electronic By-Laws

NSW Land Registry Services has announced changes to the procedure for bylaw registrations with PEXA which will impact strata managers. Here is an overview of the changes:

1. What are the changes to by-law registrations?

  • All paper certificates of title will be cancelled
  • Strata managers will no longer be able to register by-laws themselves
  • All by-law registrations will need to be done through PEXA

 2. When will this take effect?

  • On the 11th October 2021

3. How can we help you?

  • JS Mueller & Co Lawyers is PEXA registered and approved to lodge electronic by-laws
  • We were one of the first firms to register by-laws electronically
  • We have over 18 months experience completing by-law registrations electronically
  • We make the electronic by-law registration process easy!

If you would like assistance with electronic bylaw registrations with PEXA – click here.

For more information about electronic registration of by-laws visit ORG.

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.