New Strata Legislation Will Soon Become Law

The Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Sustainability Infrastructure) Bill 2021 is expected to commence in mid-2021.

Overview of New Laws

The key features of the Bill are as follows:

1. An owners corporation will be able to authorise the installation of sustainability infrastructure (such as solar panels) on common property by passing an ordinary resolution.

2. Any decision by an owners corporation that would unreasonably prohibit the keeping of an animal on a lot will have no force or effect.

3. It will be possible for a by-law to prohibit the keeping of an animal (such as a dangerous dog) on a lot if that prohibition is reasonable.

4. An owners corporation will need to keep voting records regarding a secret ballot confidential unless directed to make those records available for inspection by a court or NCAT.

5. NCAT will need to provide a copy of any strata application that is lodged by any person to the owners corporation of the strata scheme concerned.

6. An owners corporation will need to serve a copy of any NCAT application it receives on each owner instead of just placing a copy of the application on the noticeboard.

7. NCAT will have the power to require a person to pay a penalty of up to $5,500.00 for breaching an order made by NCAT.

8. A person who owns more than one lot in a strata scheme will be able to appoint a single proxy in respect of all of the lots (to prevent the limitation on the number of proxies a person can hold stopping this from occurring).

9. A proxy appointment form for a meeting will still be valid even if the meeting is adjourned to a later date.


These new laws will make it easier for owners corporations and owners to install solar panels and implement other “green” initiatives, clarify the validity of “no pets” by-laws and close a loop hole in the strata legislation that prevented NCAT imposing penalties on people who breach orders.

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Strata Management Agency Agreements Lessons Learnt

A recent decision by NCAT reinforces the need for strata managers to dot their I’s and cross their T’s if they want to be paid for work they do for owners corporations.

The case sends an important message for strata managers to ensure that they have a strata management agency agreement signed by the owners corporation before providing any services to the owners corporation.

Here we share this case including some valuable lessons to be learnt with Strata Management Agency Agreements.

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NSW Strata Laws – Have Your Say Now!

Did you know there are 81,717 strata schemes registered in NSW and every year this number grows by more than 1,000 across Sydney and regional NSW?

That’s why the NSW government has recently recognised the importance of strata living laws and the need to ensure that they stay relevant and address some fundamental issues that have arisen since the laws were re-written in 2015.

An online survey has been developed and the NSW Government is asking you to ‘have your say’ here now.

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Your Online Strata Defects Rectification Guide

NSW government launches new building defects guide.

The ‘Strata Defects Rectification Guide’ has been developed as a first point of call for current and future lot owners and stakeholders such as strata managers concerned about defects.

The online tool provides vital information helping to navigate the process of identifying, documenting, reporting and rectifying building defects in strata schemes.

Access to the guide is available here Strata Defects Rectification Guide

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Get Your Renovation Approvals Right!

A recent decision by NCAT has provided guidance on what needs to be done for an owners corporation to approve renovations done by an owner.

This case involved a dispute between the owners corporation of a large mixed use building in Milsons Point and the owner of a commercial lot in the building who wanted to fit-out his lot as an office involving alterations to common property.

The case produced a surprising outcome and is likely to change the practice that is followed by owners who seek owners corporation approval to renovate.

So, does a common property rights by-law authorise an owner to carry out works affecting the common property?

Here we share the case and outcomes: Get Your Renovations Approvals Right

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

An Overview of Recent Key Changes to Strata Law

There have been a number of important key changes made to strata laws over the last 6 months.

This includes changes to legislation and recent court and NCAT decisions.

In this article we provide an overview of those key changes to help you get across them and make recommendations as to what you should do get the most out of them and to ensure you comply with them.

The article covers the following strata law key changes:

  • Building Defects – duty of care
  • Removing abandoned goods and illegally parked cars – the new rules
  • Developer and common property rights by-laws
  • No pets by-laws
  • NCAT – can now award damages
  • COVID-19 – strata regulations extended
  • Short term rental accommodation – mandatory code of conduct

The full article and recommendations are available here An Overview of Recent Key Changes to Strata Law

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Why it’s Important to Update Your ‘No’ Pets By-law Now!

How will you respond to the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in the Cooper case which says that a by-law prohibiting pets is invalid?

Will you wait for the dust to settle before deciding what you will do?  Or will you act now and change any by-law that prohibits pets?

Any owners corporations that wait for the dust to settle following that decision before changing their pets by-law may well live to regret that decision.

In this article we take a closer look at each of different approaches and recommend why playing the waiting game could be your undoing.

Read the full article here: Why is it important to update your pets by-law NOW?


For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

It’s Time to Review Your Strata By-laws Again!

Recent Court and NCAT decisions and changes to strata laws have impacted on the validity of many by-laws.

This means that it is now essential to again review your strata scheme’s by-laws.

In this article we take a look at the types of by-laws that need to be reviewed due to these recent cases and changes to the law. These include:

  • No Pets By-laws
  • Short Term Letting By-laws
  • Abandoned Goods and Illegally Parked Vehicles By-laws
  • No Smoking By-laws
  • No Hard Floor Coverings By-laws
  • Prohibiting Business Activities in Lots

The full article can be reviewed here: Strata Law Changes Means By-law Reviews

Did you know there are only 58 days until Christmas day? To ensure you have the right by-laws in place for the festive season click below now and we’ll be in touch.


For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

ATO Provides Tax Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs

As combustible cladding is fast becoming a major focus for multi-storied buildings in New South Wales, lot owners and owners corporations are now facing a major bill and headache to replace combustible cladding.

The problem with combustible cladding has been further exacerbated by the current pandemic as a number of lot owners are unable to afford a special levy due to having lost employment. Some are even facing bankruptcy.

Despite these difficulties, some relief for combustible cladding costs has now arrived from the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

In this document we explain the recent ATO ruling to assist in rectifying combustible cladding defects… ATO Provides Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Pet Owners Rejoice – Are “No Pet” By-laws Unenforceable?

The NSW Court of Appeal has overturned a by-law banning pets in the Horizon building in Sydney.

This decision means that “no pets” by-laws are unenforceable.

This will require owners corporations with “no pets” by-laws to now rethink their approach to the keeping of pets in their buildings and likely result in the replacement of “no pets” by-laws with by-laws that restrict (but do not ban) the keeping of pets in strata buildings.

In this paper we discuss the case and ramifications of “no pets” by-laws and more… Pet Owners Rejoice

Do you need your “no pets” by-laws reviewed’? Contact us here now!

For NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.