Lessons Learned from CLMA 2021 By-law Reviews

Important Changes to CLMA 2021

The commencement of the Community Land Management Act 2021 (CLMA 2021) on 1 December 2021 has introduced a number of important changes to the laws regulating by-laws in Community Management Statements and Neighbourhood Management Statements.


Are Your By-laws up to Date?

As a result of these changes a number of by-laws contained in Management Statements are no longer valid or enforceable and many by-laws in Management Statements are now redundant.

This means there is a need for community associations and neighbourhood associations to review their Management Statements to ensure compliance with the CLMA 2021.

By-law Reviews – What Lessons Have Been Learned?

In the article below, we share some of the lessons that have been learned from those by-law reviews following the commencement of CLMA 2021. We look at:

  • Harsh By-laws
  • Pet By-laws
  • Leasing
  • By-laws Regarding Association Committees and Insurance
  • Old Terminology
  • Changes to Part 1 By-laws

Read article hear – CLMA 2021 Lessons Learned

Are You Compliant – Need a Review?

Our specialist strata lawyers have reviewed dozens of Management Statements for community and neighbourhood schemes. Need a review – click here now


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

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Children & By-laws in Strata & Community Schemes

A recent newspaper article concerning a Sydney residential complex where children have been banned from using a swimming pool within that complex, got us interested in taking a look at the extent to which the by-laws of a strata scheme or community scheme can be used to exclude children from using certain shared facilities in that scheme.

In the attached paper we reviewed the following areas concerning children, by-laws and shared facilities:

  • Can children be excluded from shared facilities in a strata building or community scheme?
  • For what matters can a strata by-law be made?
  • Limitations on the matters of which a strata by-law can be made
  • Model by-laws restricting children
  • The position in NSW, Qld and Vic
  • Community Scheme by-laws – A different position?
  • Where a by-law is inconsistent with Anti-Discrimination legislation and discriminates against children on the grounds of age – Are these principles applicable to owners corporations?

So, can children be excluded from shared facilities? Children and By-laws in Strata and Community Schemes

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Paper unveils Community Schemes Reforms

Key reforms to support residents living in nearly 2,200 community, neighbourhood and precinct schemes in NSW have been unveiled in a new community schemes law reform position paper.

A snapshot of the proposed changes includes:

  • Helping associations to monitor and fund property maintenance by requiring a builder or developer to provide a building maintenance schedule at the first annual general meeting.
  • Limiting proxy votes to prevent an individual or small group controlling a scheme.
  • Streamlining by-law enforcement; making it easier to penalise serial offenders and recover enforcement costs.
  • Boosting industry professionalism and the responsible management of schemes through strengthened accountabilities, including new disclosure requirements.
  • Providing opportunities for tenants to be represented at meetings.
  • Accommodating online technology to help schemes communicate and operate efficiently and effectively.

To find out more visit the review of the strata and community scheme laws where you can read the positioning paper giving details on the reforms.

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.