Is a Non-motorised Vehicle Kept in a Parking Lot Legal?

As the world we live in drastically changes, people are looking for more economical and sustainable ways of living.

Many families (and others) are downsizing and moving into strata apartment living which often means they need to also review their current transport options.

The parking incident that raised many questions!

In a recent incident a lot owner was sent a notice from their owners corporation to remove a kayak from their parking lot. The kayak was stored neatly in front of their motor vehicle within the confines of their parking space.

The owners corporation said the kayak was not a vehicle so therefore it had to be removed or the owner would incur a fine. The owner argued that the kayak was a vehicle and therefore could be kept in the parking space according to the building’s by-law for parking.

  • Firstly, is a kayak classified as a non-motorised vehicle?
  • What if the kayak was strapped to roof racks on the motor vehicle (providing the height allowed for this), would the owner have been asked to remove the kayak?
  • What if it was a non-motorised bicycle or scooter that was parked on the parking lot?
  • What if it was an e-bike or an e-scooter – are they classified as motor vehicles?
  • The list goes on: row boats, dinghies, skateboards, rollerblades etc all types of transport.
  • Should the by-law have stipulated (among other things) motorised and non-motorised vehicles?
  • What is legally deemed as a transport vehicle and what is not?

As government and local councils push communities to reduce carbon emissions – the question that must be asked is: do we need to now allow for other forms of transport vehicles with lower emissions to be parked on parking lots within strata complexes?

Do you need to review your parking by-law?

The lesson here is to ensure that your parking by-law is current and in-line with today’s ever-changing world.

Most likely your parking by-law is out of date and requires a review.

For a parking by-law review speak to our specialist strata lawyers here now.


Adrian Mueller Partner JS Mueller & Co Lawyers specialising in Strata Law

Adrian Mueller I BCOM LLB FACCAL I Partner

Since 2002 Adrian has specialised almost exclusively in the area of strata law. His knowledge of, and experience in strata law is second to none. He is the youngest person to have been admitted as a Fellow of the ACSL, the peak body for strata lawyers in Australia. Profile I Linked

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Parking Space Levies – The Question of Visitor Spaces

Are Visitor Parking Spaces Exempt from Levies?

A recent decision of the Appeal Panel of NCAT has re-examined the question of as to whether visitor parking spaces in a residential strata complex qualify for exemption from levies which may be payable pursuant to the Parking Space Levy Act 2009 (NSW).

NSW Government Introduces the Parking Space Levy Act

An attempt to discourage or reduce traffic congestion in certain key Sydney business districts, in 2009  the NSW Government introduced the Parking Space Levy Act , the effect of which was to make a levy payable by landowners  on certain off-street parking spaces located in specified districts.

In broad terms, the districts to which the legislation currently applies are:

  • Sydney CBD;
  • North Sydney/Milsons Point;
  • Bondi Junction;
  • Chatswood;
  • Parramatta; and
  • St Leonards.

There are designated maps which set out in detail the parts of those areas to which the levy applies, and the levy has two categories. Category 1 (Sydney CBD and North Sydney/Milsons Point) has the highest levy rate, and  the balance of districts are designated as Category 2, for which a lower rate is payable.

The relevant legislation also contains exemptions, one of which is set out in Regulations 7 & 8 of the Parking Space Levy Regulation 2009 (the Regulation). One of the exempt purposes is where the parking spaces are for “the parking of motor vehicles by persons who reside on the premises or an adjoining premises”.

NCAT Disputes Visitor Car Space Assessment

The premises in question in this case were located in Milsons Point, and were therefore designated as “Category 1”. The Chief Commissioner of State Revenue made a determination that the strata scheme in Milsons Point was liable to pay a car space levy on 5 of 7 car spaces which were set aside for visitors to the property. The strata scheme itself is a mixed commercial and residential building containing 33 residential apartments and 7 commercial suites.

An application was made by the strata scheme to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) disputing the assessment made by the Chief Commissioner of State Revenue on the basis that the visitor car spaces in question should have been considered as “exempt” parking spaces.

Specifically, the strata scheme’s original application to NCAT argued that the exemptions described in Regulations 7 and 8 of the Regulations for “the parking of motor vehicles by persons who reside on the premises or an adjoining premises” should include parking spaces set aside for visitors of persons who reside on the premises.

The original decision of NCAT was that visitor car spaces were not exempt. The owners corporation then appealed the original NCAT decision in relation to this issue to the Appeal Panel.

The Decision of the Appeal Panel

The Appeal Panel rejected the proposition that parking for guests of residents was intended to be covered by the relevant exemption.

The Appeal Panel noted that Regulations 7 and 8 contained a number of specific exemptions including for parking of contractors and consultants providing services on the premises. The Appeal Panel argued that  if the Parliament had intended for an exemption to be granted for the parking of “guests”, then it could have included that exemption explicitly within those Regulations, which it did not.

The Appeal Panel noted that limiting the exemption in this way was also consistent with the aims of the legislation, being to discourage car use in the area. The Appeal Panel found that the parking spaces in question were for a combination of exempt and non-exempt purposes, and therefore not “exclusively” set aside for an exempt purpose.

The Appeal Panel therefore upheld the original decision of NCAT, and the original decision of the Chief Commissioner of State Revenue to apply the levy to these car spaces was affirmed.

The Conclusion

Although the Act and the Regulations apply only to a limited set of areas within Sydney, it is within the power of the Government to expand the list of areas to which that levy will apply in the future.  In light of current public policy settings regarding driving and motor vehicle use generally, the exercise of that power to expand the list of leviable areas in Sydney must be considered a possibility.

Owners Corporations within Category 1 and Category 2 areas should be aware of their obligations under the Act and the Regulations,  and the applicability of those legislative instruments to their particular circumstances.

Need Help with a Parking Issue?

We are happy to provide guidance to strata schemes who seek interpretation of the application of any Ruling in relation to levies of this kind or simply require general parking advice in relation to the issue.

Warwick van Ede Strata Lawyer, Accredited Property Law Specialist, Litigator

Warwick van Ede I BEc LLM I Lawyer

Since 1990, Warwick has specialised in strata law, property law and litigation. Recognised for his expertise, he is also a NSW Law Society Accredited Specialist in Property Law. In 2021 he was selected to serve on the Property Law Committee of the Law Society of NSW. Profile I LinkedIn

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

It’s Time to Review Your Strata By-laws Again!

Recent Court and NCAT decisions and changes to strata laws have impacted on the validity of many by-laws.

This means that it is now essential to again review your strata scheme’s by-laws.

In this article we take a look at the types of by-laws that need to be reviewed due to these recent cases and changes to the law. These include:

  • No Pets By-laws
  • Short Term Letting By-laws
  • Abandoned Goods and Illegally Parked Vehicles By-laws
  • No Smoking By-laws
  • No Hard Floor Coverings By-laws
  • Prohibiting Business Activities in Lots

The full article can be reviewed here: Strata Law Changes Means By-law Reviews

Did you know there are only 58 days until Christmas day? To ensure you have the right by-laws in place for the festive season click below now and we’ll be in touch.


For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can “Squatter’s Rights” Exist in a Strata Scheme?

There have been two recent court cases involving “squatter’s rights” over parcels of land in Sydney.

In both of those cases, people have acquired ownership of parcels of land they did not own through adverse possession by exercising “squatter’s rights”.

Both of these cases raise interesting questions for strata schemes:

  • What are “squatter’s rights”?
  • Can “squatter’s rights” exist in a strata scheme?
  • Do the rules for “squatter’s rights” make it impossible for a person to claim ownership of part of the common property in strata scheme?
  • Do those rules make it difficult for an owners corporation to claim ownership of a lot even if it has been abandoned?

Abandoned houses, “dunny lanes”, car spaces, storerooms and more: here we explain this complex area of law and share some recent cases – Squatters Rights in Strata Schemes.

For all NSW strata legal advice inclusive of by-laws, building defect and levy recovery advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.