Have Your Say on the NSW Proposed Building Reforms!

The NSW Government is working to increase confidence in the NSW building industry by creating a new foundation for construction, by looking at improvement of laws and consumers/workers protection.

The Government is committed to:

  • Improving safety, accountability and transparency
  • Ensuring high-quality design, construction and maintenance
  • Modernising and simplifying building legislation

How to Have Your Say!

To have your say on the proposed building laws reform in NSW you can:

  • Complete the all-in-one survey which allows you to skip through all topics to those that are of interest to you or;
  • If you are only interested in a single topic, you may complete one or more of the 7 individual survey topics
  • You may also make a submission which allows you to give detailed feedback or respond directly to the questions in the regulatory impact statements

Deadline for Your Feedback

To provide feedback please Friday 25 November 2022.

For more information, please refer to the NSW Government here.

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can Tenants Apply to NCAT for Rent Relief for Defects?

Tenants, Building Defects, NCAT and Rent Relief


In a recent case, a property manager failed to inform a landlord of defects in the common property of a strata building and take any steps to investigate issues that a tenant had complained about.

The tenant applied to NCAT for a rent reduction as the landlord had breached their obligation to keep the rented premises in a reasonable state of repair as water leaked into the premises. The tenant was successful.

Who Could be Liable?


If a tenant claims rent relief from NCAT due to defects in a strata building, it’s important to note that NCAT could deem that it is the responsibility of the:

  • Landlord who could lose rent (or worse) if they do nothing;
  • Property manager if they fail to fix defects in the premises that they are authorised to repair following a tenant’s complaint in a timely manner;
  • Property manager if they have not advised the landlord of defects (where they are not authorised organise repairs) following a tenant’s complaint;
  • Owners corporation who could also be held liable for a landlord’s loss of rent.

A Timely Reminder for Managing Agents!

Ensure your professional indemnity insurance is current;

  • Ensure your professional indemnity insurance is current
  • Obtain landlord consent on a minimum amount for repair works which can be dealt with without the landlord’s approval;
  • Allocate sufficient resources to attend to repair requests in a timely manner to avoid issues which could lead to court proceedings;
  • Request that any common property defects are promptly repaired by the owners corporation;
  • Ensure that the relevant strata by-laws for the apartment block are up to date to minimise your risk

Here we share some cases…

Contact Us


For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Unauthorised Renovations Works: Unscrambling the Egg

The perennial problem of owners who carry out unauthorised renovations works to common property continues to rear its head.

Here we look at the different strategies for dealing with unauthorised renovations works and explore the problems that arise when an owners corporation ignores the problem for too long.

What are the Different Ways to Deal with Unauthorised Renovations?

  • The Aggressive Approach
  • A Stern Approach
  • Someone Else’s Problem Approach
  • A Collaborative Approach
  • The Ostrich Approach

In this article we look at the different approaches and lessons learned Unauthorised Renovations and how to deal with them!

Contact Us


For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Q&A Event: Helping Strata Navigate Online Reporting

For the first time, all strata schemes across NSW are now required to report key information each year using the new Strata Hub portal.

To help strata schemes navigate this change, the NSW Department of Customer Service is hosting a special strata sector event.

Strata Scheme Reporting Lunchtime Online Q&A Event

The lunch hour event features a Q&A panel discussion on what the new reporting requirements will mean for NSW strata communities. Expert panellists will answer your questions and share insights about the new strata scheme reporting.

When: Wednesday 20 July 2022 from 12 noon – 1pm.

The panel includes:

  • John Minns – NSW Property Services Commissioner
  • David Chandler OAM – NSW Building Commissioner
  • Kerrie Burgess – Director, Digital & Program Delivery, Department of Customer Service
  • Karen Stiles – Executive Officer, the Owners Corporation Network
  • Stephen Brell – President, the Strata Community Association (NSW)

If you’d like to submit any questions to the panel in advance, please email: stratasystem@customerservice.nsw.gov.au


Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Reminder Strata, Have Your Say Deadline 20.01.21

Warwick van Ede, NSW Law Society Accredited Specialist in property law, and senior lawyer at JS Mueller & Co Lawyers, has been appointed a member of the Property Law Committee of the Law Society of NSW for 2021 due to his extensive expertise in property and strata law.

Have Your Say Strata!

Warwick is currently involved in considering the current NSW Strata Schemes laws, both the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.If you have any matters you would like to bring to the attention of the NSW Law Society in relation to the NSW Strata Schemes legislation, then please message Warwick directly with your feedback by clicking on the button below.

Have your say here now strata, the deadline for feedback is 20 January 2021.

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NSW Law Society Appoints Muellers Committee Member

Hot off the press!

Warwick van Ede, a NSW Law Society Accredited Specialist in property law, and senior lawyer at JS Mueller & Co Lawyers, has been appointed a member of the Property Law Committee of the Law Society of NSW for 2021 due to his expertise in property and strata law.

An experienced lawyer of almost 30 years, Warwick specialises in litigation, property and strata law, with a focus on NSW.

Warwick has appeared, often as advocate, in all Courts and Tribunals across NSW representing clients at NCAT, the Supreme Court, and Federal Court of Australia and in lower Courts.

JS Mueller & Co Lawyers are proud of Warwick’s achievement and are confident Warwick will be an excellent committee member providing sound policy input and advice using his specialist knowledge and experience in the area of property and strata law.  Warwick’s appointment also recognises the expertise held by the team at JS Mueller & Co in property and strata law.

By drawing on the insights of expert committee members such as Warwick, the Law Society is able to act as a major player in law reform and policy debates including in relation to strata law. We look forward to Warwick making a valuable contribution to law reform in the strata space.

To view Warwick’s full profile click here.

For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Electronic Registration of By-Laws

New rules released by NSW Land Registry Services due to COVID-19 allow by-laws to be registered electronically.

We have just registered the first consolidated set of by-laws electronically.

The process is faster and more streamlined than paper lodgement and is the way of the future.

If you would like to inquire about electronic registration of by-laws, please contact us.

For NSW strata legal, building defects and levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

COVID-19 Impact on Remedial Works Contracts

What is the impact of COVID-19 on remedial works contracts?

Does the COVID-19 Pandemic entitle an owners corporation to cancel or delay a contract for remedial work to common property?

What if an owners corporation allows work to proceed? Could it be liable if a resident contracts the COVID-19 virus from a contractor performing that work?

In this article we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on remedial works contracts and answers to these questions:

  • Can an owners corporation cancel or delay a remedial works contract due to COVID-19?
  • Has a remedial works contract become frustrated due to COVID-19?
  • What role does a force majeure clause have to play?
  • Is an owners corporation liable if a resident contracts COVID-19 from a contractor?

Our article Remedial Works Contracts and COVID-19 Pandemic will answer these questions and more.

Owners corporations and strata managers should monitor Government announcements and, where necessary, obtain legal advice about whether or not contracts they have entered have become frustrated or are able to be cancelled or delayed due to any change in circumstances or the law.

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can NCAT Grant Compensation to Lot Owners?

Finally there has been a conclusive decision from NCAT regarding lot owner compensations.

The President and Deputy President of NCAT have recently handed down an important decision. They have concluded that NCAT does not have power to award a lot owner compensation. This is a result of a failure by an owners corporation to repair defects in the common property.

This decision around NCAT and lot owner compensations is likely to be followed by NCAT in the future and resolves a longstanding controversy about this issue.

What does this mean? Read our recent cases regarding NCAT’s decision around Lot Owner Compensations

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Special Arrangements for Consolidated By-laws

Special Arrangements made with NSW Land Registry Services to register consolidated by-laws.

 The Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 requires every owners corporation to keep a consolidated up to date copy of the by-laws for its strata scheme.  However, there is nothing in the Act which requires an owners corporation to register the consolidated set of its by-laws.

The only time an owners corporation needs to register a consolidated set of by-laws is when it resolves to make a change to its by-laws.  In those circumstances, the consolidated set of by-laws incorporating any changes to the by-laws must be lodged for registration within six months of the meeting at which the changes are approved.

The requirement for every owners corporation to keep a consolidated up to date copy of its by-laws was introduced on 30 November 2016 on the commencement of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.  Since then, most owners corporations have not made any changes to their by-laws as a result of which they have not registered their consolidated by-laws.  This means there is no public record of a consolidated set of by-laws for most owners corporations.

Up until recently, NSW Land Registry Services was reluctant to register a consolidated set of by-laws where it did not record any changes to the by-laws.  In other words, NSW Land Registry Services often would not permit an owners corporations to register a consolidated set of by-laws unless it had made changes to those by-laws within the last six months.  This has made it more difficult for owners corporations to register consolidated by-laws to ensure there is a public record of those by-laws in a consolidated form.

We have recently made arrangements with NSW Land Registry Services to allow an owners corporation which wants to register a consolidated set of its by-laws (even though it has not made any changes to its by-laws) to do so.  This will enable many owners corporations to register their consolidated by-laws to ensure there is a public record of them even though they have not made any recent changes to their by-laws.  If you would like to know more about these special arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.