Rain and Common Property Repairs – Who’s Responsible?

Who is Responsible for Common Property Repairs Caused by Rain?

Sydney smashes another record rainfall in May 2024 (to date) with a deluge of rain over the past weeks across metropolitan and regional areas of New South Wales.

Extensive rainfall events test the patience of every strata manager resulting in numerous complaints about water leaks into strata lots.

Faced with endless demands, owners corporations need to be very clear about their responsibilities, so it’s timely to revisit some of the “fundamentals”.

In the article below we discuss…

Step 1 – Is it the owners corporation’s responsibility?

Step 2 – If it leaks has the common property failed?

Step 3 – Are damages payable by the owners corporation for common property failures?

For more information: Rain and Common Property Damage – Who is Responsible?

Warwick van Ede Specialist Strata Lawyer, Accredited Property Law Specialist, Litigator

Warwick van Ede I BEc LLM I Lawyer

Since 1990, Warwick has specialised in strata law, property law and litigation. Recognised for his expertise, he is also a NSW Law Society Accredited Specialist in Property Law. In 2021 he was selected to serve on the Property Law Committee of the Law Society of NSW. Profile I LinkedIn

Contact Us

For all expert strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Invalidates No Cooking By-law!

Can a by-law prohibit the cooking of food including toasting bread in a lot?

In short, the answer is “no” according to NCAT.  However, there is a silver lining in NCAT’s ruling.


The Background

There is a large residential strata building located in Newcastle, New South Wales.  The building contains 87 residential lots.  The building was previously an aged care facility.

The building contains a commercial kitchen for shared use by the building’s occupants.  Some of the lot’s also contain a kitchenette, other smaller lot’s do not and rely on the shared kitchen.


The By-law

The buildings cooking by-law prohibited the cooking of food in any lot without kitchen facilities. However, a lot owner objected to the by-law and applied to NCAT for an order to invalidate the by-law.

Here we share the case and outcome… NCAT Invalidates No Cooking By-law


Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Strata NSW COVID-19 Laws Extended!

Strata NSW Covid-19 Laws Extended

To help strata and community associations to continue to manage their responsibilities of COVID-19 the NSW Government has extended the timeline for these laws to remain in place.

Laws were previously added to the Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 and the Community Land Management Regulation 2021 in response to the NSW COVID-19 outbreak.

These laws included allowing voting at remote meetings to be held electronically by tele or video conferencing, email or other electronic means. It is important to note that these laws will still apply even if a motion has not been passed.

New COVID-19 Strata Law Deadlines

Initially these temporary laws were to end on 31 May 2022 however they will now remain in place until 30 September 2022.

For further information visit: Strata Schemes Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2022 and the Community Land Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2022.

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Common Property Changes: What Resolution is Required?

What type of resolution must an owners corporation pass in order to authorise a change to common property?

The strata legislation allows an owners corporation to replace common property with the authority of an ordinary resolution.

But the legislation also says that an owners corporation cannot upgrade common property unless it first passes a special resolution.

Where is the line drawn between replacing and improving common property?

In this article we take a closer look at this much vexed issue: Changing Common Property_ An Ordinary or Special Resolution?

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Bad Building Manager – NCAT Issues a Warning

NCAT Issues a Warning for Building Managers


A recent decision of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has broken new ground in making orders for the termination of a Building Manager Agreement.

In particular, the finding in this case was that the caretaker (building manager) had failed to perform the relevant agreement satisfactorily, and that the building manager agreement, in the circumstances of the case, was harsh, oppressive, unreasonable or unconscionable.

Owners Corporations and Unsatisfactory Building Managers

This decision of NCAT provides a comprehensive analysis of the operation of s72 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and provides a solid framework for an Owners Corporation to consider whether there are grounds to seek the assistance of NCAT to bring an unfair or unsatisfactory Caretaker (Building Manager) Agreement to an end.

Here we share the recent case and outcomes: NCAT Issues a Warning for Misbehaving Building Managers.

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.


Land Registry Services new processes.

Restrictions imposed in response to COVID-19 have made it difficult to prepare, sign and witness paper land dealings. All of these land dealings involve a combination of steps, including:

  1. Verification of Identity
  2. Establishing the Right to Deal
  3. Signing, Witnessing and Formal Certification

In order to maintain business as usual and complete these steps for paper dealings during the current COVID-19 environment, LRS have implemented new processes commencing this week from April 27, 2020.

Land Registry Services new processes: What are the new LRS options imposed during COVID-19 restrictions? 

For NSW strata legal, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.