NCAT Gives Green Light to “User Pays” By-laws

In a recent decision, the Appeal Panel of NCAT has approved of a by-law which introduced a “user pays” system for the cost of electricity used to keep hot water supplied to some but not all lots in a mixed-use strata scheme.

This decision confirms that an owners corporation is able to make a by-law that introduces a “user pays” system for utilities costs such as water, electricity and gas expenses.

Based in Byron Bay this case is an important step in confirming that an owners corporation is able to introduce a “user pays” by-law for the cost of utilities that are supplied to some but not all lots.

JS Mueller & Co Lawyers has drafted many of these types of by-laws which are not uncommon.

To read the full article click here: NCAT Gives the Green Light for User Pays By-laws

For all NSW strata legal, by-law, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Supreme Court, NCAT and A Load of Rubbish

In a surprising decision, the Supreme Court has recently held that lot owners are able to start legal action in NCAT to force an owners corporation to grant them a licence to use common property before the owners corporation has rejected their proposal for a licence.

This decision will alter the strategy of some owners who want to obtain special rights over areas of common property and may result in the commencement of litigation to gain leverage over an owners corporation.

Ultimately this case gives NCAT a mandate to attempt to resolve strata disputes in a more flexible way.

Read the full case here Supreme Court, NCAT and A Load of Rubbish

For NSW strata legal, by-law, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Confirms Biowood Cladding is Combustible

Late 2019 a major development occurred for the strata industry when the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) held that Biowood cladding is combustible, poses an undue risk of fire spreading and is a major building defect.

As of yesterday 4 August, 2020…

In a first for Australia, NCAT’s Appeal Panel upheld a 2019 finding by NCAT that Biowood cladding installed on the facade of a multi-storey building in Sydney is combustible and must be removed.

The owners corporation of the building was successfully represented by Mueller’s and is the first reported case where a Court or Tribunal has upheld a finding that a particular type of cladding is combustible.

The outcome of the case represents a win for owners corporations and sends another timely warning to builders and developers that use of combustible cladding is fraught with risk and carries with it substantial consequences.

The first case in Australia (and globally) the decision in this case sets a precedent A Win for Owners Corporation – Biowood Cladding Confirmed Combustible

For NSW strata legal, by-law, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New Building Bond and Defect Laws Start Today!

New building bond and building defect laws commence today, 1 July 2020.

The new laws are part of the NSW Government’s promise to “get tough” on building defects and form part of a suite of new laws that have recently been introduced to combat the spate of poorly built strata buildings.

These new laws will strengthen the rights of owners corporations to make claims against builders, developers and other to have defects repaired or obtain compensation to cover the cost of repairing defects.

That Act introduces new laws with respect to the rectification of building defects in new strata buildings. In this article we take a look at those new laws:

  • The New Laws and the Buildings They Apply to
  • Changing Due Dates for Payment of Building Bonds
  • Consequences for Failing to Provide a Building Bond and Increased Penalties
  • Offences for Developers Providing False/Misleading Information
  • Using Building Bonds to Pay Other Costs
  • Extending  the Time Frame for Building Bond Claims
  • Cancelling a Building Bond
  • Recovering of the Building Bond from Developers
  • Investigation and Enforcement Powers
  • Protection of Building Inspectors from Personal Liability
  • Forcing Developers to Provide Information to Inspectors

Here we outline the new laws New Building Bond and Defect Laws.

For NSW strata legal, building defects and levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Where do we Now Stand with Pet By-laws in Strata Living?

Where do we now stand when it comes to strata living and pet by-laws?

Pet ownership in strata is a contentious issue, especially in strata schemes where a majority of owners do not support the keeping of pets.

But can the majority of owners decide to make a by-law banning pets?

NCAT has recently weighed in on the debate and provided clear guidance on the validity of “no pets” by-laws.

In this paper we discuss:

  • Ownership of Pets in Strata Living
  • NCAT’s Decisions
  • Harsh, Oppressive or Unconscionable By-laws
  • What Does it all Mean – the Broader Implications

Strata living and pet by-laws –  Where do we Now Stand?

For NSW strata legal, building defects and levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can NCAT Grant Compensation to Lot Owners?

Finally there has been a conclusive decision from NCAT regarding lot owner compensations.

The President and Deputy President of NCAT have recently handed down an important decision. They have concluded that NCAT does not have power to award a lot owner compensation. This is a result of a failure by an owners corporation to repair defects in the common property.

This decision around NCAT and lot owner compensations is likely to be followed by NCAT in the future and resolves a longstanding controversy about this issue.

What does this mean? Read our recent cases regarding NCAT’s decision around Lot Owner Compensations

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Muellers Wins First Cladding Case in NSW!

In a major development for the strata industry, NCAT has recently held that Biowood cladding installed externally on a Sydney building is combustible and must be removed as it is a major building defect.

There are a number of multi-storey buildings in NSW with Biowood panels that are combustible and pose a risk of fire spreading from one part of these buildings to another.

Faiyaaz Shafiq, Senior Lawyer, said, “it is now up to owners corporations and strata managers to ensure these panels are removed and lives are not put in danger.”

Owners corporations of buildings which have Biowood cladding require urgent assessment of the risks involved and their rights in light of this new decision.

For more information… Biowood Cladding NCAT Rules Combustible and also refer to media coverage in the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) and

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Owners Corporation Told to Try its Luck in Court

Does NCAT have power to make an order for the payment of money?

In a recent case, NCAT decided that it did not. The outcome of this case has created doubt about NCAT’s power to make money orders in strata matters.

The case touches on a broader controversy that is currently playing out in NCAT. That controversy relates to the fundamental question as to whether or not NCAT has power in strata matters to make money orders at all whether for payment of damages or the recovery of a debt.

So, how did this matter play out, does NCAT have the power in strata matters to make money orders?

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT’s Power to Pay Compensation in Disputes

In a recent decision that has produced a confusing outcome, the Appeal Panel of NCAT has decided that NCAT does not have power to award damages (but might be able to order payment of compensation) where there are defects in common property that an owners corporation does not repair.

The outcome of this case has added further uncertainty to an already uncertain area of law concerning NCAT’s power to order payment of money in strata disputes.

So, what power does NCAT have to order payment of compensation according to this recent case? Common Property, Strata Disputes, NCAT and Compensation Payments

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.


How do You Make Landlords Accountable for Tenants?

Getting Your By-Laws Right: Making Landlords Accountable

In 2018, NCAT decided that a landlord is not responsible for ensuring that his or her tenants comply with the by-laws that apply to a strata building.  That decision was confirmed by the Appeal Panel of NCAT in Feletti -v- Eales [2019] NSWCATAP 100.

Therefore, if a tenant is breaching a by-law, the owners corporation of the building is not normally entitled to take action against the landlord to require the landlord to ensure that his or her tenant complies with the by-law.

This means that the owners corporation needs to take action against the tenant instead of the landlord which it may not want to do because tenants come and go and it can be difficult to enforce NCAT orders against them.

So, what is the solution to this problem for owners corporations?

There is, however, a solution to the problem.  An owners corporation can make a by-law that requires landlords to ensure that their tenants comply with the by-laws.  That by-law will give the owners corporation the right to take action against a landlord when his or her tenants breach the by-laws.

We have drafted that by-law and a number of strata managers have introduced the by-law into the strata schemes they manage.

We expect that the by-law will prove very useful for owners corporations who introduce it because it will allow those owners corporations to take action against landlords whose tenants are breaching the by-laws.

The by-law goes one step further and will also allow an owners corporation to take action against both landlords and tenants whose guests and invitees breach the by-laws.

Order Your By-law Here!

If you would like to find out more about the by-law, or you are interested in purchasing the by-law from us, please email us here or call 9562 1266 now.