Can you Ban Smoking without a By-law?

Restricting or Banning Smoking in Strata

As of 1 May 2024 body corporate’s in Queensland are permitted to introduce by-laws that specifically prohibit or restrict smoking or inhaling of smoking products on common property of strata buildings.

As Queensland grapples with these changes, in NSW there are still many buildings that do not have a by-law concerning smoking, even though they are permitted to do so. This has raised questions such as:

  • Is it possible to stop people smoking in a strata building without a by-law that bans smoking?
  • If it is possible to stop smoking without a by-law, is it still necessary or desirable to have a by-law that bans or restricts smoking and, if so, why?

Banning Smoking without a By-Law

Somewhat surprisingly, it is possible to stop residents of a strata building smoking in their lots or on common property without a specific by-law that prohibits smoking.  Section 153 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 prohibits residents from using or enjoying their lots in a manner or for a purpose that causes a nuisance or hazard to another resident. There have been several cases over the past years in which NCAT has made orders prohibiting residents in strata buildings from smoking on the basis that smoke caused by smoking constituted a nuisance to other residents in contravention of section 153.

NCAT Smoking Cases

In May 2019, a lot owner, Martin Gisks, succeeded in obtaining an order from NCAT prohibiting the resident of another lot in his building smoking on her balcony or in her bedrooms and requiring that resident to close all exterior doors and bedroom and bathroom windows when smoking inside her lot (Gisks v The Owners – Strata Plan No. 6743 [2019] NSWCATCD 44).

In October 2022, lot owners in a different building, Mr Pittman and Ms Cartwright, obtained orders from NCAT prohibiting the owners of another lot smoking or permitting any other person to smoke tobacco products on the balcony of their lot, and prohibiting them from permitting smoke from any tobacco product to be emitted from the interior of their lot into the lot of Mr Pittman and Ms Cartwright (Pittman v Newport [2022] NSWCATCD 173).

More recently, in June 2023, an owner in a strata building, Haydn Shaw, obtained an NCAT order prohibiting the owner and resident of another lot permitting the smoking of tobacco products in the courtyard of their lot (Shaw v Euen [2023] NSWCATCD 68).

In each case, NCAT concluded that the smoke caused by the smoking of cigarettes or tobacco products by residents constituted a nuisance which interfered with the amenity of other residents in contravention of section 153 of the Act.  It was on that basis that NCAT made orders prohibiting or restricting smoking in each of these cases.

Is a By-Law Banning Smoking Desirable?

These NCAT cases beg the obvious question:  does an owners corporation need to bother introducing a by-law prohibiting or restricting smoking?  The answer is “Yes” if the owners corporation wants to make it easier to ban or restrict smoking in its building.

This is because without a by-law that bans or restricts smoking:

  • the owners corporation may not have standing to apply to NCAT for orders to prohibit residents smoking in a way that causes a nuisance to other residents because the owners corporation itself has not suffered from that nuisance (The Owners – Strata Plan No. 2245 v Veney [2020] NSWSC 134); and
  • there is a need to prove that not only particular residents are smoking but also that the smoke from cigarettes or tobacco products has caused a nuisance to other residents by unreasonably and substantially interfering with the use and enjoyment of their lots (something which may be difficult to do).

In other words, if a by-law exists that bans smoking the owners corporation is able to enforce that by-law and to succeed it does not need to show that smoke from cigarettes constitutes a nuisance to other residents.  The owners corporation just needs to prove that particular residents are smoking in breach of the by-law.  That is much easier to do.


It is possible to stop residents smoking without a by-law that bans smoking.  However, it is much more difficult to do so because it requires proof that the smoking causes a nuisance to other residents.  And, there is real doubt that an owners corporation can apply to NCAT for an order to stop residents smoking in those circumstances.

Introducing a by-law prohibiting or restricting smoking overcomes those problems, gives the owners corporation the right to take steps through NCAT to prevent residents smoking and makes it easier for the owners corporation to win the case and put an end to smoking in its building.


Adrian Mueller Partner JS Mueller & Co Lawyers specialising in Strata Law

Adrian Mueller I BCOM LLB FACCAL I Partner

Since 2002 Adrian has specialised almost exclusively in the area of strata law. His knowledge of, and experience in strata law is second to none. He is the youngest person to have been admitted as a Fellow of the ACSL, the peak body for strata lawyers in Australia. Profile I Linked

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Owners Corporation – NCAT Enforces By-laws

Does an owners corporation have to enforce its by-laws?  If an owners corporation decides to ignore breaches of its by-laws, can NCAT force the owners corporation to take action and enforce its by-laws?  A recent NCAT case provides the answer to these questions.


Almost every strata building is governed by a set of by-laws. Those by-laws set out rules that regulate behaviour, noise, the keeping of pets and, among other things, the performance of renovations.  The by-laws are binding on the owners corporation and the owners and occupiers of the lots.  An owners corporation has the power to enforce the by-laws if they are breached.  For example, an owners corporation can issue an owner or occupier of a lot with a notice to comply with a by-law or apply to NCAT for an order to require the owner or occupier to obey a by-law.  But what happens when an owners corporation decides to turn a blind eye to a breach of a by-law committed by an owner?  Can the owners corporation be forced to enforce the by-law against the culprit?  If so, by whom?  A recent NCAT case reveals the answers to these questions.

The Case

Suzanne Lyon owns a lot in a residential strata scheme in Wollstonecraft, Sydney.  In August 2020, the owners corporation created a common property rights by-law to give the owner of the lot beneath Ms Lyon’s lot, Mr Swanson, the right to build a pergola over his rear courtyard.  Subsequently, Mr Swanson built the pergola, but Ms Lyon claimed that the pergola did not comply with the by-law because it was too high.  The by-law had permitted the pergola to be 2.7m above the concrete floor of the courtyard but it was built about 3.21m above that concrete floor.  Ms Lyon wanted the pergola to be removed or modified but the owners corporation was not prepared to force Mr Swanson to change the pergola.  For that reason, Ms Lyon sued the owners corporation in NCAT and sought orders to require the owners corporation to remove Mr Swanson’s pergola or enforce the common property rights by-law by requiring the pergola to comply with it.

The Outcome

Ms Lyon’s claim was partially successful.  NCAT agreed with Ms Lyon that the pergola was too high and was not built in accordance with the by-law.  NCAT then considered whether it had power to make an order to force the owners corporation to enforce the by-law and require Mr Swanson to comply with it by changing the height of the pergola.  NCAT concluded that it did have that power because it could make an order, on the request of an owner, to settle a complaint or dispute about the failure of an owners corporation to exercise its functions including its power to enforce a by-law.  NCAT held that there would be a sufficient basis to make an order where an owners corporation has a discretion to exercise a function (such as its discretionary power to enforce a by-law) but decides not to do so.  NCAT considered that there was little point in the strata legislation creating a mechanism for an owners corporation to pass a common property rights by-law merely to have that by-law flouted and for the owners corporation to fail to act in the face of complaints from other owners and legal advice it had received.  Ultimately, NCAT concluded that the owners corporation’s failure to manage Mr Swanson’s non compliance with the by-law, or to make any attempt to require him to comply with the by-law, meant that an order should be made requiring the owners corporation to exercise its functions to administer the strata scheme for the benefit of the owners and in accordance with the by-laws.

The Orders

For those reasons, NCAT ordered the owners corporation to take all necessary steps to require Mr Swanson to comply with the by-law by requiring him to reduce the height of the pergola to 2.7m above the concrete surface of his courtyard.  However, NCAT gave the owners corporation 6 months to comply with that order to allow Mr Swanson sufficient time to apply to the owners corporation for approval to amend the by-law to permit the pergola to remain at a height of 3.21m above the courtyard floor and for that amendment to the by-law to be approved by the owners corporation.


This case is one of the first times that NCAT has made an order to compel an owners corporation to enforce its by-laws.  The decision does break new ground because it was previously thought that because the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 does not explicitly require an owners corporation to enforce its by-laws but rather gives an owners corporation a discretion to do so, it was not possible for NCAT to force an owners corporation to require owners and occupiers to comply with its by-laws.  The order made in the case begs the question: What does the owners corporation need to do to take “all necessary steps” to require an owner to comply with a by-law?  Does that require the owners corporation to issue a notice to comply with the by-law against the owner?  Or does it require the owners corporation to do more and, if necessary, take legal action against the owner to force him or her to comply with the by-law?  And what if the owners corporation is successful in that legal action, but the owner ignores orders that are made to require him or her to comply with the by-law?  What is the owners corporation required to do then?  It remains to be seen whether those questions will need to be answered by NCAT in the future.


The case sends a message that owners and occupiers of lots who are affected by breaches of the by-laws committed by other owners and occupiers are not helpless.  They can apply to NCAT for orders to force their owners corporation to enforce the by-laws against those in breach of them.  It remains to be seen whether the decision in Lyon v The Owners – Strata Plan No. 11045 [2023] NSWCATCD 31 will be followed in future cases.

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Adrian Mueller Partner JS Mueller & Co Lawyers specialising in Strata Law

Adrian Mueller I BCOM LLB FACCAL I Partner

Since 2002 Adrian has specialised almost exclusively in the area of strata law. His knowledge of, and experience in strata law is second to none. He is the youngest person to have been admitted as a Fellow of the ACSL, the peak body for strata lawyers in Australia. Profile I Linked

Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Invalidates No Cooking By-law!

Can a by-law prohibit the cooking of food including toasting bread in a lot?

In short, the answer is “no” according to NCAT.  However, there is a silver lining in NCAT’s ruling.


The Background

There is a large residential strata building located in Newcastle, New South Wales.  The building contains 87 residential lots.  The building was previously an aged care facility.

The building contains a commercial kitchen for shared use by the building’s occupants.  Some of the lot’s also contain a kitchenette, other smaller lot’s do not and rely on the shared kitchen.


The By-law

The buildings cooking by-law prohibited the cooking of food in any lot without kitchen facilities. However, a lot owner objected to the by-law and applied to NCAT for an order to invalidate the by-law.

Here we share the case and outcome… NCAT Invalidates No Cooking By-law


Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Can Tenants Apply to NCAT for Rent Relief for Defects?

Tenants, Building Defects, NCAT and Rent Relief


In a recent case, a property manager failed to inform a landlord of defects in the common property of a strata building and take any steps to investigate issues that a tenant had complained about.

The tenant applied to NCAT for a rent reduction as the landlord had breached their obligation to keep the rented premises in a reasonable state of repair as water leaked into the premises. The tenant was successful.

Who Could be Liable?


If a tenant claims rent relief from NCAT due to defects in a strata building, it’s important to note that NCAT could deem that it is the responsibility of the:

  • Landlord who could lose rent (or worse) if they do nothing;
  • Property manager if they fail to fix defects in the premises that they are authorised to repair following a tenant’s complaint in a timely manner;
  • Property manager if they have not advised the landlord of defects (where they are not authorised organise repairs) following a tenant’s complaint;
  • Owners corporation who could also be held liable for a landlord’s loss of rent.

A Timely Reminder for Managing Agents!

Ensure your professional indemnity insurance is current;

  • Ensure your professional indemnity insurance is current
  • Obtain landlord consent on a minimum amount for repair works which can be dealt with without the landlord’s approval;
  • Allocate sufficient resources to attend to repair requests in a timely manner to avoid issues which could lead to court proceedings;
  • Request that any common property defects are promptly repaired by the owners corporation;
  • Ensure that the relevant strata by-laws for the apartment block are up to date to minimise your risk

Here we share some cases…

Contact Us


For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Electric Vehicle (EV) By-laws – Seven By-law Considerations!


What do you need to consider in your EV Strata By-law?


EV by-law’s prepared by our team permits all owners to install electric vehicle chargers in their car spaces or garages and connect those chargers by cabling leading to the switchboard.

However, there are a number of matters an owners corporation needs to consider when adopting the by-law and permitting owners to install electric vehicle chargers.

Seven EV By-law Considerations


  1. Is there sufficient room on the switchboard for additional circuit breakers to be installed for each electric vehicle charger installed by an owner?
  2. Is the existing electrical infrastructure on common property sufficient to handle the additional loads generated by electrical vehicle chargers when they charge EVs? If not, who will be liable to pay for the upgrade of that infrastructure?
  3. Is it possible for electric vehicle chargers to be separately metered and charged to the owner’s account instead of the owners corporation paying for the electricity that is used by the EV chargers?
  4. Do the EV chargers and their use create any risks to the health and safety of other residents?
  5. Are there sufficient cable trays in place in the garage or other areas to accommodate the cabling that will need to be run between electric vehicle chargers in lot owners’ garages and the switchboard.
  6. Will the electric vehicle chargers be compatible with any load management system in place and the electrical infrastructure that exists in the building?
  7. Is it possible for limitations to be placed on the loads drawn by electric vehicle chargers, for example, to limit electric vehicle chargers to single phase chargers drawing no more than 10amps power?

JS Mueller & Co Lawyers EV by-laws deal with some of these considerations and often is tailored to deal with most of them.



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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Lessons Learned from CLMA 2021 By-law Reviews

Important Changes to CLMA 2021

The commencement of the Community Land Management Act 2021 (CLMA 2021) on 1 December 2021 has introduced a number of important changes to the laws regulating by-laws in Community Management Statements and Neighbourhood Management Statements.


Are Your By-laws up to Date?

As a result of these changes a number of by-laws contained in Management Statements are no longer valid or enforceable and many by-laws in Management Statements are now redundant.

This means there is a need for community associations and neighbourhood associations to review their Management Statements to ensure compliance with the CLMA 2021.

By-law Reviews – What Lessons Have Been Learned?

In the article below, we share some of the lessons that have been learned from those by-law reviews following the commencement of CLMA 2021. We look at:

  • Harsh By-laws
  • Pet By-laws
  • Leasing
  • By-laws Regarding Association Committees and Insurance
  • Old Terminology
  • Changes to Part 1 By-laws

Read article hear – CLMA 2021 Lessons Learned

Are You Compliant – Need a Review?

Our specialist strata lawyers have reviewed dozens of Management Statements for community and neighbourhood schemes. Need a review – click here now


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For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

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Electric Vehicles are all the Rage!

There has been a substantial increase in the number of electric vehicles (EV) being purchased by residents of strata buildings from cars to bikes and other vehicles.

A Recent Study

A recent study of the ‘future of EV charging in Sydney apartments’ revealed that:

  • 48% of respondents plan to have an electric vehicle of some kind, within the next 5 years
  • 78% were in favour of installing charging facilities
  • 79% would like a user-pays arrangement for individual vehicle spaces

Does an EV Charger Require Owners Corporation Approval?

The fact is that electric vehicles need charging and that means installing electric vehicle chargers in your apartment block is inevitable.

Installation of electric vehicle chargers will normally involve changes to common property that require owners corporation approval through a by-law.

But what should the by-law cover?

There are two key issues which should be covered in the by-law.

First, who pays for the cost of the electricity that will be used by the EV charger?

Second, what happens if the EV chargers requires the building’s electricity infrastructure to be upgraded (e.g. to 3 phase power)? Who pays for the upgrade?

Get your EV By-law from the Experts 

Our specialist team of strata lawyers have drafted many by-laws permitting owners to install electric vehicle chargers in strata buildings. Our EV by-law covers all essentials including:

  • Who is responsible for paying for the cost of electricity used to charge electric vehicles
  • Any necessary upgrades to the electricity infrastructure in the building


For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist

NCAT Tightens the Screws on By-laws!

A recent decision of the Appeal Panel of the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has highlighted the potential risks for owners corporations seeking to impose penalties and other sanctions on lot owners in connection with non-compliance with by-laws.

Careful attention will need to be paid by owners corporations to “cost recovery” aspects of their by-laws to ensure that an otherwise well constructed by-law is not rendered completely invalid.

Here we share a recent case where NCAT Tightens the Screws on Strata By-laws.

Owners corporations who have these by-laws should give consideration to having them reviewed.

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

New STRA Laws Means Reviewing Your By-laws!

Deadline for New Rules for NSW STRA 

Here we explain the new rules!

The NSW government has issued a reminder that new short-term rental accommodation (STRA) rules will come into effect on 1 November 2021 coinciding with the return of regional travel across NSW.

These new STRA registration requirements follow the introduction of a mandatory code of conduct governing STRA rentals late last year.

And… most likely these new rules will also require your STRA by-laws to be reviewed!

What is the New Rule?

If you wish to rent a property as a STRA host, it is mandatory to register the property and pay the registration fee via the NSW Planning Portal by 1 November 2021.

What is the Deadline?

The deadline is Monday 1 November 2021.

What is the Cost?

STRA hosts are required to pay a registration fee of $65.00 for the first 12 months and an annual renewal fee of $25.00.

Who Does STRA Registration Apply to?

The STRA registration applies to owners of any residential accommodation who wish to rent their property out for short term rentals.

Do I Need to Provide additional Documentation to Register?

Yes, if the property is not owned by you, you must provide proof of consent from the property owner.

You must also verify that the property is in compliance with the fire safety standards as defined in the STRA policy here.*

*Please note: Given the recent lockdown orders, a grace period has been applied in relation to providing the fire safety standards.

STRA hosts will be able to register their short-term rental as required but delay the fire and safety requirement until 1 March 2022, giving STRA hosts an additional 4 months to adhere with the policy.

Where do I Register my STRA Property?

Your STRA property is to be registered here on the on the NSW Panning Registration Portal.

Do I Need to Update my Short-term Rental Accommodation By-laws?

Most likely, if you live in a strata property the STRA by-laws may need to be reviewed. For advice you may contact our experienced and knowledgeable STRA team here.

Where do I Find More Information on the New STRA Rules?

For more information on the new STRA rules visit NSW Planning STRA Portal here.

For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.


Paper Based By-laws Transition to Electronic!

As many of you are aware, from 11 October 2021, the Registrar General has announced a major step in the transition away from paper-based registration of by-laws (and other documentation) in NSW.

So, what will the changes to the land titles system in NSW mean?

Read on for more specific details in this recent NSWLRS release.

Our Dedicated By-law Registration Team

If you need assistance registering your by-laws electronically we have an experienced and dedicated by-law registration team who are ready to help you.


For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.