Webinar Recording: Pets in NSW Strata

Pets by-law expert, Adrian Mueller, Strata Lawyer talks pets with LookUpStrata in this recent webinar, covering the recent ‘Cooper’ case:

  1. How will you respond to the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in the Cooper case which says that a by-law prohibiting pets is invalid?
  2. Will you wait for the dust to settle before deciding what you will do?
  3. Or will you act now and change any by-law that prohibits pets?

As well as delving into this recent case and what it means for you, Adrian has also covered Q&A’s specifically focused on the topic of pets in NSW strata buildings.


For all NSW strata legal advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Why it’s Important to Update Your ‘No’ Pets By-law Now!

How will you respond to the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in the Cooper case which says that a by-law prohibiting pets is invalid?

Will you wait for the dust to settle before deciding what you will do?  Or will you act now and change any by-law that prohibits pets?

Any owners corporations that wait for the dust to settle following that decision before changing their pets by-law may well live to regret that decision.

In this article we take a closer look at each of different approaches and recommend why playing the waiting game could be your undoing.

Read the full article here: Why is it important to update your pets by-law NOW?


For all NSW strata legal including by-laws, building defect and levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

The Top 5 Most Useful Strata By-laws and Factsheets

Here we share the top five most useful strata by-Laws with factsheets.

Muellers has drafted 1000’s of by-laws over the course of 40 plus years.

During that time we’ve learnt what does and doesn’t work.

So what are the five most useful by-laws and why?

Here’s our shortlist for you to download and share:

  1. Cost Recovery By-Law
  2. Master Renovations By-Law
  3. Parking By-Law
  4. Proxy By-Law
  5. Repairs By-Law

For NSW strata legal, building defects or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.