Can NCAT Grant Compensation to Lot Owners?

Finally there has been a conclusive decision from NCAT regarding lot owner compensations.

The President and Deputy President of NCAT have recently handed down an important decision. They have concluded that NCAT does not have power to award a lot owner compensation. This is a result of a failure by an owners corporation to repair defects in the common property.

This decision around NCAT and lot owner compensations is likely to be followed by NCAT in the future and resolves a longstanding controversy about this issue.

What does this mean? Read our recent cases regarding NCAT’s decision around Lot Owner Compensations

For NSW strata legal, building defect or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

First Strata Collective Sale Approved by the Court

The Land and Environment Court has recently approved a collective sale of a strata scheme.

This is the first time the Court has approved the collective sale of a strata building since the strata renewal laws commenced on 30 November 2016.

The case highlights the importance of ensuring each step in the collective sale process is followed to the letter of the law.

The case also provides guidance on how various problems created by the strata renewal laws will be resolved by the Court including problems determining the amount of compensation that should be payable to the owners.

In this article we take an in-depth look at the case and what lessons can be learned from the Court’s decision First Strata Collective Sale Approved by Court

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Building Defects – What is the Rectification Process?

Over the last few years the Home Building Act has been amended a number of times raising many questions in regards to the building defects rectification process such as:

  1. What is the duty to mitigate?
  2. What is ‘reasonable access’?
  3. When can you refuse the builder and developer access to carry out rectification work?
  4. Has the builder already attempted rectification work that has been unsuccessful?

So, what steps can owners corporations take to mitigate the loss Building Defects and the Rectification Process.

It’s a complex area of law and in order to protect the interests of the owners corporation it’s wise to seek legal advice on navigating this process.

For NSW strata legal, building defects or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Replacing Items of Common Property in Strata

The NSW Supreme Court has recently handed down a decision in regards to common property that will have a considerable impact on the practice of strata managers across the State. The Court’s decision answers the following often asked questions:

  • What type of resolution does an owners corporation need to pass in order to replace an item of common property?
  • Is the replacement of an item of common property a repair that can be authorised by an ordinary resolution?
  • Or does a decision to replace an item of common property need to be made by special resolution because the replacement of the item will improve or enhance the common property?

What was the outcome of this recent case that involved a dispute between the owners of an apartment building on a waterfront in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs… Replacing Items of Common Property in Strata?

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Leasehold Strata Schemes and Building Defects

A recent decision of the NSW Court of Appeal has found that the owners corporation of a leasehold strata scheme located in Manly, Sydney and owned by the Roman Catholic Church, had no right to make a claim against the builder or developer of its scheme for building defects.

Are owners corporations of leasehold strata schemes required to foot the bill for the costs to repair building defects?   Leasehold Strata Schemes and Building Defects

Do you need advice on building defects and/or leasehold strata schemes, speak to the experts?

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Strata Communications and Defamation – the Dangers

A recent New South Wales District Court defamation case highlighted the dangers that lurk in communications (especially emails) passing between strata managers, strata committee members and strata residents.

The perennial problem of burdensome email communications also plagues many strata schemes and as the case highlighted can escalate into a defamation case. However, owners corporations do have the power to regulate communications to prevent his happening.

We look at this case and what owners corporations can do to stop unreasonable communications Strata Communications and Defamation

Is it time to review, or implement a by-law for dealing with unreasonable communications?

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Litigation and Security for Costs

In a recent NSW Supreme Court case the builder brought an application to the Court seeking an order that the owners corporation provide security for costs to protect the costs of the builder in the litigation in the event the builder was successful and unable to recover his costs from the owners corporation.

So, did the court grant with the builder’s application? Owners Corporation Litigation Security for Costs

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.


Five Most Useful By-law Factsheets

The five most useful by-Laws inclusive of factsheets.

Muellers has drafted 1000’s of by-laws over the course of 40 years.

During that time we have learnt what does and does not work.

So what are the five most useful by-laws?

We have come up with the following shortlist:

  1. Cost Recovery By-Law
  2. Master Renovations By-Law
  3. Parking By-Law
  4. Proxy By-Law
  5. Repairs By-Law

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

Strata Reforms and Collective Sales

One of the big ticket items introduced as part of the new strata laws that commenced in November 2016 was strata renewal or collective sales. These laws allow a strata building to be sold or redeveloped with the approval of at least 75% of owners.

However, many stakeholders in the strata industry including strata managers have needed clarification and clearer guidance in regards to the strata renewal and collective sale process.

Indeed, the industry has been looking for more practical and specific guidance from regulatory bodies on the implementation of strata renewal reforms.

In late 2018 new guidelines and resources were published by the Office of the Registrar General and can be found on their website.

If you’re looking for some guidance it’s a great first step. The website includes information about:

The website also confirms that strata managers should now be making all inquiries with the Office of the Registrar General in relation to strata renewal (or collective sales) and NSW Fair Trading is no longer able to assist.

The Office of the Registrar General website outlines 6 steps for the strata renewal process as follows:

  1. Vote to opt into the process
  2. Initiate the collective sale/renewal process
  3. Form a strata renewal committee
  4. Develop a strata renewal plan
  5. Consider the plan
  6. Approval of the plan

For more information visit Office of the Registrar General or for more detailed legal advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

NCAT Approves Security Fob By-law

In a recent decision, NCAT upheld a security fob by-law made by an owners corporation.  This is a good decision as it demonstrates that appropriately worded security fob and access key by-laws can be made by owners corporations.


Many strata buildings contain security systems which restrict access to and egress from the buildings.  These systems often include security access keys or fobs which are distributed to owners and occupiers to enable them to get into and out of the building.

Did you know owners corporations are able to implement appropriately worded security fob and access key by-laws?

So, what was included in this particular by-law Security Access, NCAT and By-laws

For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.