Wills and Estate Planning Peace of Mind

Helping you to protect your family.

We know that wills and careful estate planning can help to ensure that the wealth you have built is transferred smoothly and according to your wishes.

We practice in all areas of succession planning from drafting simple to complex wills and estate planning.

You’ve worked hard for what you have, so ensure your assets are protected and end up in the right hands. 

Since 1979, over 45 years, we have helped generations of families protect and pass on their wealth.

Having an up to date will is only one part of the essentials of a good estate plan.

Our long-term approach will give you the peace of mind that your affairs will be managed with care and commitment throughout your life and beyond.

Look After Loved Ones

Wills and estate planning will ensure your assets are protected.

Here’s how we can help you:

  • Wills and Estate Plans I Preperation
  • Estate Planning I Helping you to ensure your will is executed according to your wishes
  • Probate and Estate Administration
  • Succession Planning
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney and Living Will I In case of an unexpected accident or illness appoint someone to make financial and lifestyle decisions on your behalf
  • Leaving a Charitable Legacy

Contact Us

For wills and estate planning advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.