The Importance of a Good Renovation By-law

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Good renovation by-laws will protect all parties such as the owners corporation, the lot owner (and future owners) plus ensure any renovations to a lot, in particular structural, are safe for the building.

A good renovation by-law will outline items such as:

  • A clear statement of the authorised work
  • The time frame for completion
  • Setting out any conditions that must be met
  • All contractors details and their insurances
  • Development consents
  • Recording all works, including structural works
  • Conditions that the lot owner and their contractor/s must adhere to
  • How waste is to be dealt with
  • Hours of work to minimise noise and disturbance to neighbours and the building
  • Access and parking requirements to ensure minimal disturbance to other lot owners and common property areas
  • Who is responsible for any ongoing maintenance
  • Ensuring that all work complies with relevant standards and legislation such as the Building Code of Australia and the Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020
  • Any nuances and more!


Why is it important to ensure that renovation by-laws are thorough?

Apart from wanting the renovation to run smoothly, the type of by-law to be used will depend on the renovation that is being undertaken. For example:

  • Is the renovation a bathroom or kitchen renovation involving waterproofing or changes to floor coverings; and
  • do you need a cosmetic, minor or major renovations by-law?

The tighter the renovation by-law the less likely there will be issues however in the event of an issue a well written by-law will more than likely get things back on track, minimising any disputes. A badly written renovation by-law may only exacerbate the situation and cause unwanted delays and disputes and may even end up in NCAT.


Are you in need of a renovation by-law?

Our legal team has significant expertise developing renovation by-laws for strata, company, and community living.

  • We have been developing renovation by-laws for 40+ years.
  • We know whether you will require a by-law for renovations for owners corporation approval.
  • We guarantee within 7 days you will receive the right renovation by-law.
  • We also understand that you ‘may’ need your renovation by-law urgently for an upcoming strata meeting – just let us know, we will make it happen.


Contact Us

For all strata law advice including by-laws, building defects and levy collections contact our specialist NSW and Sydney strata lawyers here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.

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