Keeping pets in some strata schemes can be costly with fees for having a pet. Are those days over?
Tag: Birds in Strata
New Pet Laws for Renters Restrict Landlords
Under new laws renters may soon be allowed to have pets without approval from landlords.
Pets and New Strata By-laws: The Pitfalls
In this article, we take a closer look at the new laws regulating pet ownership in strata buildings and the pitfalls associated with them.
By-laws which Regulate the Keeping of Pets!
Have by-laws which ban pets in strata shifted to by-laws which regulate the keeping of pets in strata buildings?
Webinar Recording: Pets in NSW Strata
Adrian Mueller, Strata Lawyer talks pets with LookUpStrata in this recent webinar, covering the recent ‘Cooper’ case, Q&A’s and ‘no’ pets by-laws.