Supreme Court freezes developers’ assets safeguarding Owners Corporations compensation.
Win for Owners Corporation Against Developer

Supreme Court freezes developers’ assets safeguarding Owners Corporations compensation.
Water leak damage to common property and lot property, causing disputes, who’s responsible?
Supreme Court rejects compensation claim by a lot owner for loss of rent. Read on…
Can NCAT Resolve Any Strata Dispute or Just Some? Here we share an interesting recent case outcome.
What type of resolution must an owners corporation pass in order to authorise a change to common property? An ordinary or special resolution?
Owners corporation has been ordered to pay compensation to owners for failing to fix defects on common property!
NSW Supreme Court combustible cladding WIN for owners corporations and what it means for any owners corporations!
Was the NCAT case we reported last week ordering an owners corporation to repair lot property correctly decided?
NCAT imposes owners corporation penalty for failing to comply with an order to repair common property.
Does this Decision Alter Rights over Areas of Common Property?