It has come to our attention that many of the 21 day notices sent by strata managers to owners in levy arrears that are based on templates prepared by certain software providers are not compliant with the new legislation.
- An owners corporation cannot take legal action against an owner in levy arrears until it has sent the owner a 21 day notice that complies with the new legislation.
- It is therefore vital that your 21 day notices comply with the legislation in order to ensure that strata levy arrears are able to be recovered for any owners corporation you manage.
- Don’t get caught out! Use our 21 day notice that is compliant with the new legislation.
If you are an existing client that uses Muellers for levy collection work, please contact us if you would like to obtain our template 21 day notice, free of charge.
If you currently do not use Muellers for levy collection work we would love the opportunity to help you and will send you our template 21 day notice for free upon receipt of two new levy collection matters, please contact us.
For NSW strata legal or levy collection advice please contact us here or call 02 9562 1266, we’re happy to assist.