Are residential strata blocks in busy areas liable for levies under the ‘Parking Space Levy Act’?
Category: Levy Collection
Is it Time to Review Your By-Laws Again?
STRA, Pets, Fire Safety, Sustainability and Levy Recovery are your by-laws current?
Strata Levies Soar as the Cost of Living Rises
Debt recovery of strata levies is highly technical and unique requiring a full understanding of the various strata laws in NSW such as…
ATO Provides Tax Relief for Combustible Cladding Costs
Special Levies: ATO assists with tax relief to rectify and assist with combustible cladding costs.
Strata Records Not Protected by Privacy Laws
NCAT has decided that strata records are not protected by privacy laws in this recent case.
Is NCAT’s Ability to Resolve Strata Disputes Unclear?
Are we on the brink? Can NCAT resolve strata disputes?
How Will You Handle Your Blocks Overdue Levies?
Due to COVID-19 overdue levies are on the rise. To help you with any overdue levies click here now to get your copy of our levy recovery templates.
Important: Coronavirus and Levy Recovery Changes
Government announcements will have a dramatic impact on the way overdue strata levies are recovered – how?
Opal Tower – What are Home Owners Rights?
Are Opal Tower home owners covered under the statutory warranty scheme for building defects and how could strata levies be affected?
A Big Shout Out to Our Strata Community
If you know of a strata lawyer looking for a new opportunity please contact JS Mueller & Co Lawyers via the details in this communication.