Pets, bylaws and new legislation it’s time to review your by-laws to ensure they comply with the new legislation.
Tag: Dog Bylaws
Does the Joy of Keeping a Pet in Strata come at a Cost?
Keeping pets in some strata schemes can be costly with fees for having a pet. Are those days over?
Pets and New Strata By-laws: The Pitfalls
In this article, we take a closer look at the new laws regulating pet ownership in strata buildings and the pitfalls associated with them.
Pet Owners Rejoice – Are “No Pet” By-laws Unenforceable?
Will this require owners corporations with “no pets” by-laws to rethink their approach to the keeping of pets in their buildings?
Where do we Now Stand with Pet By-laws in Strata Living?
Pet ownership and apartment living in strata. Do no pet by-laws have broader implications for other types of prohibiting by-laws?
COVID-19 and Pets in Strata Apartments
Pet By-laws and COVID-19, is it the end of no pets by-laws? Where does this leave “no pets” strata buildings?
Is it Goodbye to “No Pets” Buildings?
Are pet by-laws banning the keeping of pets no longer worth the paper they’re written on? What about owners who want to live in “pet free” blocks?