If you live or work in strata or community title it’s important that you are aware of the changes to the law as follows…
NSW Law Changes Came into effect 11 December 2023

If you live or work in strata or community title it’s important that you are aware of the changes to the law as follows…
Will your by-laws need updating in line with the new strata laws?
Can an owner appoint a company as his or her proxy to vote at a general meeting? The answer may surprise you!
Applauding new COVID-19 strata regulations. Now easier for strata managers to hold meetings, execute documents and extend time periods.
Government moves to help strata industry with further COVID-19 electronic strata laws.
What is the impact of the Coronavirus on strata managers? Here’s how you can help…
Can an owners corporation approve an agreement at a strata general meeting and if yes, does it need to be included in the meeting notice?
Supreme Court provides helpful guidance for annual general meeting’s in accordance with the new strata laws.
One year later… the top 5 new strata laws and the three main changes to owners corporation fines.
Does a strata committee have the power to make decisions on behalf of an owners corporation? Should you save yourself a vote next time?