Supreme Court freezes developers’ assets safeguarding Owners Corporations compensation.
Win for Owners Corporation Against Developer

Supreme Court freezes developers’ assets safeguarding Owners Corporations compensation.
Big Win for Owners Corporations – High Court Says Builders and Developers are Liable for their Negligent Work.
How do you prove that systemic defects exist in every lot? This Court case has the answer!
Court protects owners corporation allowing them to add more defects to an existing defects claim!
A win for the strata industry who have buildings under 6 years old. Do you qualify?
Here’s how to have your say on the proposed NSW building reforms…
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) announces the recent launch and differences of the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022…
If a tenant claims rent relief from NCAT due to defects in a strata , who’s responsible…
Categories of people liable for building defects expands – some recent Supreme Court decisions!
Owners corporation has been ordered to pay compensation to owners for failing to fix defects on common property!