Special Levies: ATO assists with tax relief to rectify and assist with combustible cladding costs.
Tag: Levy Recovery
How Will You Handle Your Blocks Overdue Levies?
Due to COVID-19 overdue levies are on the rise. To help you with any overdue levies click here now to get your copy of our levy recovery templates.
Important: Coronavirus and Levy Recovery Changes
Government announcements will have a dramatic impact on the way overdue strata levies are recovered – how?
Forum Postponed Due to COVID-19 Virus
Muellers ‘Strata 2020 and Beyond’ Forum has been postponed due to COVID-19 Virus. Details…
National Strata Regulations are on the Way!
What are some of the proposed national strata laws and how are they being aligned? Should NSW accept some of these laws?
Litigation and Security for Costs
In coming to its decision, the NSW Supreme Court weighed up a number of factors and concluded that…
Thank You Strata. We Wish You a Happy Holiday Season.
Thank you Strata, from the entire team at JS Mueller & Co Lawyers, we wish you a safe and happy festive season.
A Big Shout Out to Our Strata Community
If you know of a strata lawyer looking for a new opportunity please contact JS Mueller & Co Lawyers via the details in this communication.
Advanced Levy Recovery – Collecting the Uncollectable
In a recent Law case Muellers acted for the successful owners corporation for a levy recovery matter from an owner who had disappeared.
Supreme Court Saves Defective AGM’s
Supreme Court provides helpful guidance for annual general meeting’s in accordance with the new strata laws.