New proposed laws will impose on builders a duty of care in favour of owners corporations.
Tag: Strata Levies
Levy Recovery and Payment Plans – What are the Rules?
Lot owners who want to pay their levies by instalments through a payment plan must follow these steps.
Owner Disappears Owing Debts of $1.4 Million
The owners committee wins a supreme court suit, debuting the apartment for the first time by auctioning off the debt.
We LOVE those Garnishee Orders!
Did you know Garnishee Orders are the most effective way to recover outstanding levies. So, what is a Garnishee Order?
Well, We Know How to Poke the Bear!
Well, we know how to approach or should we say, poke, a lot owner who does not pay their strata levies on time. Here’s how!
Unpaid Levies…The New Rules!
Under the current law, there are no legal rights for lot owners to request an instalment payment plan from an owners corporation.
Levy Collection App… A Real Time Saver!
Our ‘LevyCollect’ app. Simple, free and easy to use – accessible through your device, on the go, 24/7/365, anytime, anywhere.
Stay of Eviction Refused for Levy Debtors
Bankrupt lot owners won’t be entitled to a stay of an eviction in their strata unit where it’s clear the owner has made no attempt to pay overdue strata levies.