Supreme Court freezes developers’ assets safeguarding Owners Corporations compensation.
Win for Owners Corporation Against Developer

Supreme Court freezes developers’ assets safeguarding Owners Corporations compensation.
$850 million damages claim against an owners corporation ends up in the Supreme court of NSW!
Will your by-laws need updating in line with the new strata laws?
Keeping pets in some strata schemes can be costly with fees for having a pet. Are those days over?
Strata disputes between lot owners and owners corporations in NCAT for offensive communications…
STRA, Pets, Fire Safety, Sustainability and Levy Recovery are your by-laws current?
Court protects owners corporation allowing them to add more defects to an existing defects claim!
Under new laws renters may soon be allowed to have pets without approval from landlords.
Supreme Court rejects compensation claim by a lot owner for loss of rent. Read on…
A win for the strata industry who have buildings under 6 years old. Do you qualify?