Retaining walls, neighbours and building defect claims under the new laws give way for a new type of building defect claim.
New Types of Building Defect Claims

Retaining walls, neighbours and building defect claims under the new laws give way for a new type of building defect claim.
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In a recent case, NCAT has decided that a landlord falls under no obligation to ensure that their tenants comply with the by-laws in a strata scheme.
The Supreme Court has recently delivered a very firm warning regarding building defects and experts’ reports.
So, what was the outcome after the Court handed down its judgment? Why did the Court decide that the lot owner should pay the litigation costs?
The Supreme Court has rejected a proposal by an owners corporation to upgrade its common property impeding access to an owner’s car space.
Download our paper to help you understand the ins and outs of the strata laws around Short Term Accommodation.
Is a 2 per cent bond inadequate to cover the cost of repairing defective work?
From the entire team at JS Mueller & Co, we wish you and your families a very safe and happy festive season.
One year later… the top 5 new strata laws and the three main changes to owners corporation fines.